Samsung WW12H8420EX

Samsung WW12H8420EX
alaAverage 4.4

95 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 95 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Samsung WW12H8420EX. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.4/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 88/100.

Review analyse

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Consumenten review ( review summary for Samsung WW12H8420EX


alaTest has collected and analyzed 1 user review of Samsung WW12H8420EX from The average user rating for this product is 3.0/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.0/5 for other products in the same category on

100% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Consumenten review (

Samsung WW12H8420EX ecobubble


I just love it even though it's the first time ive(my husband) has paid that amount on a washing machine ,I really like Samsung products I'm now after the tumble dryer,also I like when u put it on a cotton cycle the time seems scarey that it would take...

Apart from the price but then if it last with the ten year motor guarantee then it will not be so bad.

Sep 2016

Consumenten review (

Samsung WW12H8420EX ecobubble


Shows how long tye cycle is

The weight

Jun 2016

Consumenten review (

Samsung WW12H8420EX ecobubble


Short cycle times Easy to use

Jun 2016

Consumenten review (

Samsung WW12H8420EX ecobubble


But drum size

Programmes don't have a 50 degree cycle

Mar 2016

Consumenten review (

Samsung WW12H8420EX ecobubble


Great large drum

I would like a spin only option

Okt 2015

Consumenten review (

Samsung WW12H8420EX ecobubble


my washing does look cleaner than it did with my old machine. The extra large door makes loading and unloading easier.

I had limited space for this machine and checked the measurements. However, I did not realise that the door protruded considerably from the machine which caused a problem with a nearby cupboard door.

Jul 2015

Consumenten review (

SAMSUNG ecobubble™ WW12H8420EX Washing Machine - Graphite


my washing does look cleaner than it did with my old machine

I had limited space for this machine and checked the measurements. However, I did not realise that the door protruded considerably from the machine which caused a problem with a nearby cupboard door

Jul 2015

Consumenten review (

Samsung WW12H8420EX ecobubble


quiet, does what it says on the packet.

If you have a standard width kitchen worktop it will stick out quite a lot - I reckon the measurements given are the width from front to back excluding the door which sticks out quite a lot as you can see from the photo. The machine is back as far as...

Jun 2015

Consumenten review (

SAMSUNG ecobubble™ WW12H8420EX Washing Machine - Graphite


quiet, does what it says on the packet

If you have a standard width kitchen worktop it will stick out quite a lot - I reckon the measurements given are the width from front to back excluding the door which sticks out quite a lot as you can see from the photo. The machine is back as far as...

Jun 2015

Consumenten review (

SAMSUNG ecobubble™ WW12H8420EX Washing Machine - Graphite


Quiet. Efficient. Cleans well. Load sizes are decent for a family of four. Let's you know when the drum needs cleaning. Some good choices of cycles

If I want to use the dryer for 10 minutes I can't as the shortest time is 30 minutes. That's really the only downside

Jun 2015

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