Miele WCE330 PowerWash

Miele WCE330 PowerWash
alaAverage 5

7 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 7 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Miele WCE330 PowerWash. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 5.0/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 100/100.

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(Gebaseerd op 7 reviews)

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Toont 1 - 7 van 7 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door (which.co.uk)

Miele WCE330 PowerWash review

  (Cijfer Verborgen)

The Miele WCE330 PowerWash 2.0 is one of the first Miele washing machines we've tested that has the brand's new PowerWash technology. It's supposed to reduce wash times, improve rinsing efficiency and lower energy costs. Sounds good - but did our...

Mar 2018

Consumenten review (johnlewis.com)

Miele WCE330


A fantastic product. Really impressed with this machine, it's very quiet even on the spin cycle. It feels really well put together and has the feel of a robust and reliable product. I'm particularly impressed with the fact the cycle time adjusts to the...

Mar 2018

Consumenten review (johnlewis.com)

The Rolls Royce of washing machines!


I thought my old washing machine was pretty good until I started using this! First thing I washed were my son's white school polo shirts which came out sparkly clean for the first time in months. I found the instruction booklet a little confusing as...

Mar 2018

Consumenten review (johnlewis.com)

Quiet Machine


Probably this is the most quiet washing machine that i have ever had! especially on the spin cycle. Once it had been installed and a test cycle done, i found this to be a simple to use washer..even though the instruction book is nearly 100 pages...

Mar 2018

Consumenten review (johnlewis.com)

Really well made, elegant washing machine - packed full of features with a cool touch screen.


This washing machine looks great against my white kitchen cabinets - I particularly like the clean lines and simple finish. I was initially concerned that the lack of knobs and dials meant it was low tech - I couldn't have been more wrong. Behind the...

Feb 2018

Consumenten review (johnlewis.com)

Fab spin power, nice quiet machine, loads of extras


I love this machine. Amazed at how quiet it is to run on normal settings, and it is very steady and balanced. It doesn't seem to 'walk around' the floor at all, even when on max spin settings. There are a lot of programmes to learn about. It took me...

Feb 2018

Consumenten review (johnlewis.com)

So quiet and so pleased.


I have owned the machine for just over a week now. The first thing that struck me was how quiet it is. After the very polite delivery crew fitted it, something which I liked was how the transit bars are stowed on the machine, particularly useful if you...

Feb 2018

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