Bush F721QB

Bush F721QB
alaAverage 4.4

220 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 220 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Bush F721QB. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.4/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 88/100.

Review analyse

(Gebaseerd op 220 reviews)

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Toont 1 - 10 van 220 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Lovely washing machine looks great in my kitchen


This washer is great it get the job done very quickly 30 mins is the fastest wash this is just wat I need

Nov 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Does what it's meant to.


Glossy black and looks great with the kitchen. Doesn't what it says on the tins, washes clothes. Great capacity but a bit noisey.

Jun 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Very good item looks nice too


Well worth the money looks nice well impressed

Mei 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

excellent family washing machine


A good value washing machine that can cope with alot from a large family with different washing needs would recommend

Mei 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Bush F721QB 7KG Washing Machine- Black.


The washer didn't manage to do one wash water wouldn't drain away waste of time and money

Mei 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Super silent


This was more than half the price of my previous washer. Can't believe how quiet the spin cycle is. Clothes come out really well spun. Looks fantastic and modern. Bargain price shouldn't put you off. A great quality washer at a fantastic price.

Mei 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

cleans fine


good washing machine good price

Mei 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Don't bother


Got this machine just under 2 years ago to replace my old zanussi which lasted 7 years. Within the first year of having this bush machine the button panel broke, was just over the year warranty so had to purchase myself and pay to repair. And now just...

Feb 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Good machine for price


Good price, needed one quick as mine blew up. Delivered next day for £20, delivery men were helpful and delivered earlier than expected so I could get on with my day. Only down side is there's no timer screen to show you how long a cycle is or how long...

Okt 2016

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

fantastic looking machine


Lovely machine good make and so quiet only thing I not found yet is a quick cycle

Okt 2016

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