Bosch WAE 28367

Bosch WAE 28367
alaAverage 4.4

92 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 92 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Bosch WAE 28367. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.4/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 88/100.

Review analyse

(Gebaseerd op 92 reviews)

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Toont 1 - 10 van 92 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Bosch WAE28367GB


Very easy to operate. Is very quiet.

Some of the programmes are still far to long. Instruction pamphlet has gone to opposite extreme from to complicated in previous times, to being a little sparse.

Jun 2012

Consumenten review (

Bosch WAE28367GB


15 min cycle for refreshing clothes cold handwash (can use for dry clean only items) large drum good sound pre wash and 2 and a half hour wash for heavily soiled goods good spin

Mei 2012

Consumenten review (

Bosch WAE28367GB


Very low noise , big drum . My old machine was 20years old and this one is great to use.

The instruction leaflet is short, you have to press the buttons to find out the effect they have on the time taken for each cycle. With a little practice this machine will do every type of wash you can think of.

Mei 2012

Consumenten review (

Bosch WAE28367GB


Fast cycle times, easy to use.

Fairly expensive, weird buttons.

Mei 2012

Consumenten review (

Bosch WAE28367GB


electronics failed after 2 weeks of installing the machine ! Have to wait yet another week for the " part" to arrive.

Mei 2012

Consumenten review (

Bosch WAE28367GB


does have a shorter cycle of just over an hour.

most of the cycle times are fairly long,

Mei 2012

Consumenten review (

Bosch WAE28367GB


Very easy to operate. Is very quiet

Some of the programmes are still far to long. Instruction pamphlet has gone to opposite extreme from to complicated in previous times, to being a little sparse

Mei 2012

Consumenten review (

Bosch WAE28367GB


15 min cycle for refreshing clothes ; cold handwash (can use for dry clean only items) ; large drum ; good sound pre wash and 2 and a half hour wash for heavily soiled goods ; good spin

Mei 2012

Consumenten review (

Bosch WAE28367GB


Very low noise , big drum . My old machine was 20years old and this one is great to use

The instruction leaflet is short, you have to press the buttons to find out the effect they have on the time taken for each cycle. With a little practice this machine will do every type of wash you can think of

Apr 2012

Consumenten review (

Bosch WAE28367GB


Fast cycle times, easy to use

Fairly expensive, weird buttons

Apr 2012

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