Remnant 2

Remnant 2
alaScore 91

10 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 10 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Remnant 2. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.0/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.4/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Remnant 2 een alaScore™ van 91/100 = Uitstekend.

Review analyse

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Toont 1 - 10 van 10 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door : Tomas Franzese (

Minecraft Legends review: Age of Empires meets Pikmin in this approachable strategy game


Minecraft Legends can get repetitive, but it's a solid entry point to the RTS genre nonetheless.

Great use of Minecraft Approachable RTS gameplay Moldable environments Strong multiplayer

Gets repetitive fast Room for UX improvements

“Minecraft Legends does a great job at making the real-time strategy genre more approachable, even if its campaign gets repetitive.”

Apr 2023

Expert review door : Max Freeman-Mills (

Minecraft Legends review: As gentle as strategy gets


Minecraft's latest spin-off is a perfect addition to its universe.

Lovely visuals ; Fun cut-scenes ; Simple but rewarding strategy

Takes a while to get going ; Can get a little repetitive

This quaint little strategy title brings the best of Minecraft's family-friendly tone to bear, with some lovely visuals to boot. It's not wildly complex, but is perfect for those looking to enjoy Minecraft's vibe in a new genre. Platform tested: Xbox...

Apr 2023

Expert review door : S.G. Howe (

Minecraft Legends Review: A Nostalgic Game Gets A Strategic Makeover - SlashGear


As Minecraft Legends is launched on multiple platforms, it's time to ask: Is another game really necessary, or is this a perfect next chapter?

Familiar Minecraft building ; Visually appealing earthscapes ; Simple RTS legion combat ; Engaging hero storyline

Game is massive and a heavy CPU workload ; Slightly smaller focus on sandbox gameplay

Apr 2023

Expert review door : Alan Wen (stuff.tv_in)

Redfall review: dreadfall


Open-world vampire shooter Redfall is an epic fall from grace for developer Arkane Studios, at least at launch

Intriguing premise ; Atmospheric sound design

Lifeless open world with bland missions ; Awful UI and half-baked implementation ; Dull enemies with buggy AI ; No matchmaking or shared progression in multiplayer

A huge disappointment. The best way to escape Redfall would be to just avoid it.

Mei 2023

Expert review door : Yap Hui Bin (

Minecraft Legends review: Brief war of Mine - Techgoondu Minecraft Legends review: Brief war of Mine


Minecraft Legends is a dumbed-down RTS game with familiar characters like creepers, zombies and skeletons from the Minecraft world. Minecraft Legends is a dumbed-down RTS game with familiar characters like creepers, zombies and skeletons from the...

Apr 2023

Expert review door : Zachary Boddy (

Minecraft Legends review (Xbox): Amazing alone, even more fantastic with friends


The latest addition to the Minecraft universe is wonderful, although it's more strategy than action.

An endearing, fun campaign that adds a lot to the Minecraft universe ; Fantastic strategy gameplay that translates well on a controller ; Great extra content with co-op, competitive multiplayer, and Lost Legends challenges ; Undeniable potential to...

Action elements tend to take a backseat compared to strategy ; Core gameplay sometimes feels lacking in features or polish

Minecraft Legends is a wonderful addition to the expanding Minecraft universe, perfectly encapsulating its character while exploring a new, unique action-strategy genre. Its two halves aren't always perfectly balanced, though, and there are certainly...

Apr 2023

Expert review door (

Lies of P


Das Soulslike Lies of P lässt die Puppen tanzen. Wir durften schon nach Krat reisen und verraten in unserem Test, wie sich die Pinocchio-Adaption spielt.

Sep 2023

Expert review door (

Remnant 2


In Remnant 2 öffnet euch der Helm des Navigators die Tür zum Plasmaschneider. Wir zeigen euch, wo ihr die beiden Gegenstände findet.

Aug 2023

Expert review door (

Redfall: Alle Helden und ihre Fähigkeiten


Redfall bietet verschiedene Charaktere, mit denen ihr den Vampiren entgegentreten könnt. Wir zeigen euch, welche Fähigkeiten sie besitzen.

Mei 2023

Expert review door (

Minecraft Legends: Alle Trophäen und Erfolge


Wir geben euch einen Überblick über alle Erfolge in Minecraft Legends und wie ihr sie freischalten könnt.

Apr 2023

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