HTC Vive Pro 2

HTC Vive Pro 2
alaScore 95

15 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 15 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor HTC Vive Pro 2. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.1/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.4/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen de vormgeving zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over het gebruiksgemak.


prijs, gebruiksvriendelijkheid, afmetingen

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de HTC Vive Pro 2 een alaScore™ van 95/100 = Uitstekend.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 14 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door : Ryan Jones (

Vive Pro 2 Review: The ultimate virtual reality headset?


The Vive Pro 2 offers the ultimate virtual reality gaming experience, but comes with a high price and needs a high-end PC to function.

Fantastic 5K resolution ; Improved refresh rate and FOV ; Comfortable design ; Faultless tracking performance

Incredibly expensive ; Requires wired connection out of the box ; Controllers haven’t been updated

Jul 2021

Expert review door : Will Greenwald (

HTC Vive Pro 2 Review


The best resolution for VR gaming ; Smooth motion tracking ; Works with Valve Index controllers

Expensive ; Doesn't include necessary base stations or controllers

The Vive Pro 2 is the highest-resolution VR headset we've seen yet, with a price to match. It's worth considering if you want the best VR experience available, and don't mind mixing and matching components.

Aug 2021

Expert review door : Adrian Willings (

HTC Vive Pro 2 review: The ultimate virtual reality experience


HTC has once again returned to form with a high-end VR headset that delivers the very best experience - but at considerable cost.

Superior visuals ; Fantastic comfort ; Great audio ; Better tracking than the competition ; Passthrough cameras make life easier ; Backwards compatible

Costs a bomb ; More hassle to setup than its competitors ; Will bake your face

HTC has once again returned to form with a high-end VR headset that delivers the very best experience - but at quite the cost.

Mei 2022

Expert review door : Russell Holly (

HTC Vive Pro 2 review: The best VR headset for non-gamers


It's the best VR headset on the market today, but it's not for gamers and the user experience needs work.

Incredible high res display ; Comfort-focused design ; Quality headphones

Clumsy set up process ; Viveport/SteamVR need a usability overhaul ; Pricey

Jul 2021

Expert review door : Russell Holly (

HTC Vive Pro 2 review: The best VR headset for non-gamers


It's the best VR headset on the market today, but it's not for gamers and the user experience needs work.

Incredible high res display ; Comfort-focused design ; Quality headphones

Clumsy set up process ; Viveport/SteamVR need a usability overhaul ; Pricey

Jul 2021

Expert review door : Lewis Painter (

HTC Vive Pro 2 review


While the Vive Pro 2 might sound great on paper, the reality isn't as impressive.

No screen door effect ; 5K display is detailed and crisp ; SteamVR accessory compatibility

Weirdly shaped FOV ; Chunky, old controllers ; Too expensive

The HTC Vive Pro 2 has impressive resolution that removes screen door effect and gives new life to old VR games, but an odd FOV, design issues and a high price make it hard to recommend.

Jun 2021

Expert review door : Mark LoProto (

HTC VIVE Pro 2 Review: Powerful, Space-Consuming VR Gaming


Consumer-grade virtual reality still has a few kinks to work out, and while the HTC VIVE Pro 2 highlights some of them, it remains formidable competition for other headsets. Common VR issues are balanced by a higher resolution, improved field of view,...

Okt 2022

Expert review door : Krishan Sharma (

HTC Vive Pro 2 - the ultimate consumer VR experience? (review) - GadgetGuy


The HTC Vive Pro 2 VR headset has best in class displays and powerful built-in audio and an eye-watering price tag to match.

5K resolution display makes VR experiences more immersive ; Comfortable design ; Best in class positional tracking ; Works with older base stations ; Ecosystem of compelling accessories

Involved setup and installation ; Outdated included controllers that hinder the experience ; Narrow vertical field of view ; Small visual sweet spot ; Expensive

The HTC Vive Pro 2 has best in class displays and powerful built-in audio but it also brings some outdated controllers and an eye watering price tag that should give even the most ardent VR fans some pause.

Feb 2022

Expert review door (

The Vive Pro 2 Is the Best VR Headset You Can Buy, but It'll Cost You


Combining the Vive Pro 2 with Valve's Index Controllers is simply the best at-home VR setup. It's not cheap.

Redesigned higher-res optics, nifty spatial audio, compatible with Valve Index controllers, improved weight balance, better IPD adjustment

Jul 2021

Expert review door : Kevin Carbotte (

HTC Vive Pro 2 Review


Good but not great

+ High resolution ; + High refresh rate ; + Compatible with all SteamVR and Vive Pro accessories

- Narrow visual sweet spot ; - Headphones lack bass ; - Poor microphone ; - Pricey

The HTC Vive Pro 2 is a good headset but not a great value. It will serve businesses well, which is HTC's intended audience, but also feels like a jack of all trades but master of none. A great set of features make the Vive Pro 2 stand out in direct...

Jul 2021

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