alaScore 85

11 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 11 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Tt eSPORTS KB-KNK008US. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.5/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 11 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Good cheap keyboard


IMO (in my opinion) it is the best bang for your buck gaming keyboard.

Build quality is nice, keys are not too loud or quiet IMO it is just right, light blue letter keys are nice and show up clearly

is not backlit or anything but some el-wire/led strip with a usb adapter that cost about $5.00 on e bay or amazn will do the job

Okt 2014

Consumenten review (

Works fine - wish the keys were high contrast


While playing TitanFall I found myself stabbing the "G" key rather than the "F" key when I needed to eject, or I'd hit the "1" key instead of the "Q" key when I needed to deploy my tacticals. It was impossible to see the keys due to the low contrast...

Much better key response than a standard membrane type of keyboard. The absence of a Windows Start Menu key on the WASD side of the keyboard is an excellent feature. Bright red WASD and arrow keys are very easy to install. The anti-ghosting feature...

As others have mentioned, the low-contrast color of the text on the keys is very difficult to read under typical room lighting conditions. Seriously, if your source of lighting is coming from behind you, the lettering on the keys will not be visible....

Aug 2014

Consumenten review (

kinda good


if you're on a budget and this thing is on sale, it may be a good option. I have felt better tactile feel on cheaper keyboard though.

for a non backlit it has nice enough key prints

mushy like key feel, not very satisfying tactile feel

Aug 2014

Consumenten review (

Fantastic gaming keyboard on budget


If you're on a budget, this is a fantastic keyboard to get. I read that for some, there's been quality control issues, but that's to be expected with most electronic products. Just RMA, and you're good to go. I've been using it for couple of weeks, and...

Great feel to the keys. Not quite like a mechanical keyboard, but very tactile and great feedback ; Very cheap

No backlight. (But I never found backlight to be useful. It's purely cosmetic for me, so it wasn't a dealbreaker)

Aug 2014

Consumenten review (

it feels awesome


it clicking sounds feel so nice ; it not hard ; it better than most membrane


Jul 2014

Consumenten review (

Great budget gaming keyboard!


II got this keyboard because I was looking for a replacement for my very cheap keyboard. I'm budget conscious and a gamer, so this fit the bill for price and quality. The only qualm I have is that I thought the blue lettered keys would make it easier...

Responsive keys, easy to clean, comfortable

Harder to see in low light than you might think

Jul 2014

Consumenten review (

Great keyboard


I love this keyboard. Has the mechanical look and feel. It's cheap and I game with it everyday

I know it doesn't have lit keys so I'm not deducting an egg. If you want lit keys, pay more. Otherwise, this one is fantastic

Feb 2014

Consumenten review (

Not bad, not bad at all


The key caps have a very cheap feel to them. However that cheap feel isn't really present when you're using the board. Kinda odd. I was torn between this and the MS Sidewinderx4. I feel this was a good choice for the tactile feedback alone. I had a...

Decent amount of bang for your buck ; Keys have a great tactile feel to them ; A cheaper alternative to an over priced mechanical KB ; After a few hours of use, I find the board to be fairly comfortable. I've seen some say it's not comfortable to them...

No backlight ; No media keys ; Key caps are fragile ; Swapping out my WASD keys for the Red was of course the fist thing I did when I opened the box. Well be careful when putting the caps on. I managed to break a prong on the backside of one of the key...

Aug 2013

Consumenten review (

Great Keyboard!


Was debating whether to get this or the MS sidewinder x4 and glad I chose this one, since it's quiet and doesn't look like you need to install drivers for everything to work. Just hope it will last!

Quiet, responsive, and simple! If you're not looking for a keyboard with all the bells and whistle, this keyboard is a great choice. Really liking this hybrid switch thing going on and it looks like it'll be easy to clean

The keys themselves just feel too flat for my liking. Sometimes difficult to tell where your fingers are positioned. Even my 8 yr old factory keyboard had curves on certain letters so it was easier to tell where your fingers are located. So it may take...

Apr 2013

Consumenten review (

Great keyboard so far


I would've liked it more if it had Multimedia keys. (Personal reference)

Mechanical keyboard feel ; Red dragon icon thing ; feels great ; Cheap

No backlit ; Blue color letters

Apr 2013

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