Sharp Aquos LC-32D44E

Sharp Aquos LC-32D44E
alaScore 87

201 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 201 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Sharp Aquos LC-32D44E. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.3/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Sharp Aquos LC-32D44E een alaScore™ van 87/100 = Zeer goed.

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Consumenten review ( review summary for Sharp Aquos LC-32D44E


alaTest has collected and analyzed 4 user reviews of Sharp Aquos LC-32D44E from The average user rating for this product is 3.0/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.3/5 for other products in the same category on

50% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Consumenten review ( review summary for Sharp Aquos LC-32D44E


alaTest has collected and analyzed 68 user reviews of Sharp Aquos LC-32D44E from The average user rating for this product is 4.2/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.1/5 for other products in the same category on

82% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Expert review door : Robert Heron (

Sharp Aquos LC


Even seasoned consumer electronics shoppers sometimes puzzle over the reasoning behind a significant price difference among similarly sized HDTVs. Screen resolution is usually one of the major factors-an HDTV with 1080p screen resolution typically...

Excellent HD video processing. No overscan with HD sources. Good picture contrast.

Some smearing noted in scenes containing motion. Limited HD color range.

The Sharp Aquos LC-32D44U offers a detailed picture at an attractive price, but some picture-performance quirks may dissuade video purists.

Mei 2008

Expert review door : Robert Heron (

Sharp Aquos LC-32D44U


The Sharp Aquos LC-32D44U LCD TV is an appealing value that includes (not unexpectedly) some picture-quality quirks.

Excellent HD video processing. No overscan with HD sources. Good picture contrast.

Some smearing noted in scenes containing motion. Limited HD color range.

The D44U's movie picture preset proved adept at maintaining image detail and minimizing unwanted artifacts when displaying my selection of classic standard definition DVD videos. The D44U's film-based video detection was fast and the various scenes I...

Mei 2008

Expert review door : David Katzmaier (

Sharp Aquos LC-44U review: Sharp Aquos LC-44U


Sharp Aquos LC-44U

The Sharp LC-32D44U produces a relatively deep shade of black and fine shadow detail; exhibits decent screen uniformity; sleek design; nice selection of picture controls; zero-overscan aspect ratio mode available.

Inaccurate primary colors; darker areas tend toward blue; spotty video processing with 1080i sources; subpar standard-definition processing; soft picture with PC sources; no easy-access front- or side-panel inputs.

While stylish and well featured for an entry-level HDTV, the 32-inch Sharp LC-32D44U's picture quality falls short of expectations.

Apr 2008

Expert review door (Stiftung Warentest)

Sharp LC-32 D44 EBK


De­r LCD-Fernseher Sharp LC-32 D44 EBK hat eine Bild­diagonale von 80 Zenti­metern und eine Auflösung von 1366 x 768 Bild­punkten (HDready). Er hat bei optimaler Einstellung ein besonders kontrast­reiches Bild. Das in den wesentlichen Prüfpunkten...

Qualitäts­urteil: befriedigend (2,9) ; Bild: befriedigend (2,6) ; Ton: ausreichend (3,9) ; Hand­habung: befriedigend (3,2) ; Vielseitig­keit: befriedigend (2,6) ; Umwelt­eigenschaften: sehr gut (1,5)

Expert review door : Vincent Lheur (

Sharp Aquos LC-32D44E


Sans être mauvaise, l'Aquos LC-32D44E cumule trop de petit défauts pour rivaliser avec bien des concurrentes. Reste un petit prix...

Jun 2008

Expert review door (

Sharp LC-32D44


En billig prislapp gör Sharp LC-32D44 åtråvärd, men man får dock räkna med att den inte presterar optimalt i alla lägen.

Sep 2008

Expert review door : Tecnozoom (

Expert Review


Lo Sharp AQUOS LC-32D44E è uno dei tre televisori appartenenti alla nuova serie D44E. Si tratta di un TV LCD a cristalli liquidi le cui specifiche tecniche includono uno schermo da 32 pollici con risoluzione 1366x768 pixel, un rapporto di contrasto...

Tuner digitale terrestre, Doppio ingresso HDMI


Mar 2008

Consumenten review (

Bang for the Buck!


Bang for the buck, if your looking to buy a tv but not looking to spend over a grand on a 1080p. This is the tv to get, awesome quality and not a single complaint since I've had it except that I want another for my bedroom. Highly recommend, you will...

Awesome picture quality ; No skips in picture ; Clean finish ; Crystal clear display ; Broadcasts in 1080i


Jan 2009

Consumenten review (

Great for the money


Great tv for the money, you really cant beat it.

Great picture quality, Good sound, alot of inputs, and an easy menu to navigate

Remote ; although it is easy to use, it has a terrible range, it must be pionted directly at the set to work

Nov 2008

Consumenten review (

good to great


I haven't tried burning anything yet but it reads great. Nice and fast. It can be a little noisy while searching but is otherwise unobtrusive. The included software suite is impressive, including PowerDVD and a bunch of Nero burning tools.

Good HD Viewing, great for SD Viewing. Simple No Frills display and remote. Got at $649.99 price point and worth it at that price. Simple remote and menus. Overall a very good set

Color adjustments kind of poor. Can't see a huge difference if you try to adjust too much. I used cnet's color settings, and it really doesn't look too much different

Nov 2008

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