Hisense U7A (2018) Series

alaTest heeft 149 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Hisense U7A (2018) Series. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.5/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het geluid zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over de connectiviteit. Het gebruiksgemak is ook indrukwekkend.

prijs, gebruiksvriendelijkheid, beeldkwaliteit, geluidskwaliteit, afwerking

betrouwbaarheid, connectiviteit

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 92/100 en experts beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 77/100.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 148 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door : Trusted Reviews (trustedreviews.com)

Hisense 65U7A


The Hisense 65U7A is the official TV of the FIFA World Cup but will this 4K HDR model win the tournament or go home in the group stages?

Good SDR picture quality ; Solid smart platform ; Decent video-streaming support ; Excellent fit and finish

Lacklustre HDR performance ; Only two HDMI 2.0 inputs ; Limited viewing angles

There isn’t another 65-inch TV that gets anywhere near the 65U7A in terms of performance and value, so if you’re on a tight budget then this TV could be a tournament winner.

Jul 2018

Expert review door : Steve May (trustedreviews.com)

Hisense U7A


Hisense U7A review: Stylish FIFA World Cup inflected 4K TV with HDR, Freeview Play catch-up service plus Auto-Sport viewing mode

Above average design and finish ; Netflix, Amazon and YouTube in 4K ; Freeview Play ; Deliciously sharp 4K imagery

HDR isn’t particularly bright ; Only two HDMIs support 4K @ 60Hz

If you want a stylish-looking 4K flatscreen, built around a decent smart platform with some fun functionality, the U7A should definitely make your shortlist.

Mei 2018

Expert review door (t3.com)

Hisense U7A 4K HDR 55-inch TV review: World Cup quality at a League 1 price


The Hisense HE55U7A1WTSG and its siblings offer a wealth of features for well under £1000

Super sharp 4K picture quality ; Design and finish belie affordable price ; Handy Auto-Sports mode. Well, handy for sports…

Only two HDMIs support full fat 4K ; HDR performance could be brighter

Jun 2018

Expert review door : Jim Martin (techadvisor.co.uk)

Hisense U7A


The U7A is one of the official TVs of the 2018 World Cup. Despite costing less than many rivals, it still offers plenty of features and solid image quality. Find out more in our Hisense U7A review.

Expert review door (which.co.uk)

Hisense H65U7AUK television review

  (Cijfer Verborgen)

65-inch TVs don't often cost under £1,000, but the Hisense H65U7AUK manages it. Price is one thing, but what's more important is whether this bargain TV has brilliant sound and picture quality. The H65U7AUK is at the top end of Hisense's range, so if...

Okt 2018

Expert review door (which.co.uk)

Hisense H55U7AUK television review

  (Cijfer Verborgen)

Hisense has long been the fifth pillar of UK TV sales, and while it doesn't have the sort of brand recognition enjoyed by LG, Panasonic, Samsung and Sony, its attractive, cheap TVs have earned the Chinese company plenty of admirers. The 55-inch...

Aug 2018

Expert review door (avforums.com)

Hisense H55U7AUK 4K TV Review


Hisense's new mid-range U7A ULED HDR 4K TV is the official model for the FIFA World Cup and promises a host of new features. How does it stack up...

Decent SDR out of the box picture quality ; Good calibrated SDR performance ; Good input lag for gaming ; Excellent build quality ; Intuitive Smart TV system ; Good amount of streaming apps on offer in 4K HDR ; Great value for money

Lacklustre HDR performance with a lack of brightness ; Narrow viewing angles ; Could be more accurate out of the box ; Only two HDMI 2.0 inputs

There needs to be a certain adjustment of expectations regarding picture quality and high dynamic range when you get to the TVs in the £1,000 and under category. When you are talking VA panels on these TVs they are really all very similar in peak...

Expert review door (avforums.com)

Hisense U7A (H65U7AUK) Review


The Hisense U7A is not only the company's mid-range model for 2018 but also the official TV for this year's FIFA World Cup. So is this the ideal TV to...

Good SDR performance ; Simple but effective smart platform ; Extensive video streaming support ; Attractive design ; Excellent build quality ; Great price

Limited HDR performance ; Narrow optimal viewing angle ; HDMI 1.4 on two inputs

The Hisense U7A arrives with a degree of fanfare thanks to its selection as the Official TV of the FIFA Would Cup, so I guess the company's sponsorship of the tournament was a success. Hisense has certainly done a great job of improving its brand...

Expert review door : Roland Seibt (pc-magazin.de)

Hisense H55U7A im Test: Weltmeisterlich günstig - PC Magazin


Hisense bringt mit dem H55U7A rechtzeitig zur WM 2018 eine Special Edition heraus. Ob sich mit dem Weltmeister-TV gut Fußball schauen lässt, zeigt unser Test.

tolle Verarbeitung ; angenehmes HDTV-Bild

mattes HDR ; Blickwinkel

video Testurteil: gut; Preis/Leistung: überragend

Jun 2018

Expert review door : Vittorio Pipia (tomshw.it)

Recensione Hisense H50U7A, 4K con HDR e neri profondi


Con l'H50U7A, Hisense è riuscita a proporre una smart TV con una buona riproduzione dei colori e un audio tutto sommato soddisfacente ad un prezzo basso.

Mei 2018

Vergelijk de prijzen voor Hisense U7A (2018) Series

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