i-Robot Roomba 581

i-Robot Roomba 581
alaAverage 4.7

5 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 5 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor i-Robot Roomba 581. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.7/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 94/100.

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Toont 1 - 5 van 5 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (mumsnet.com)

so easy to use and empty- no back strain here


My roomba is fab. Perfect for me as it does all the work morethoroughly than i ever would. I absolutely love it. Best 250 quid i have ever spent.

Mar 2014

Consumenten review (mumsnet.com)

Every mum needs one of these. If you don't have


Every mum needs one of these. If you don't have time to clean, or like me you are just too lazy this is the answer to your prayers, and it does lino, laminate, tiles and carpets. (You can even buy one that washes floors too - thats my next christmas...

Mar 2011

Consumenten review (mumsnet.com)

i-Robot Roomba 581


Every mum needs one of these. If you don't have time to clean, or like me you are just too lazy this is the answer to your prayers, and it does lino, laminate, tiles and carpets. (You can even buy one that washes floors too - thats my next christmas...

Mar 2011

Consumenten review (mumsnet.com)

What a complete god send of a product! I first…"


What a complete god send of a product! I first saw a roomba when I went to view a logcabin with my family. We took the plunge and bought the top of range model (581) he's great, we call him Robby and now on alternating days he vacuums my lounge and...

Jul 2010

Consumenten review (mumsnet.com)

i-Robot Roomba 581


What a complete god send of a product! I first saw a roomba when I went to view a logcabin with my family. We took the plunge and bought the top of range model (581) he's great, we call him Robby and now on alternating days he vacuums my lounge and...

Jul 2010

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