Electrolux EL1012A

Electrolux EL1012A
alaAverage 4.9

6 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 6 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Electrolux EL1012A. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.9/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer.

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Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 97/100.

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Toont 1 - 6 van 6 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (shopping.com)

Good for Quick Clean Ups


Like most homeowners, we needed a small LIGHTWEIGHT second vacuum cleaner for the variety of things that are on the floor due to animals and tracking in of dirt. This vacuum is very attractive and light. The hand vac is so easy to get off the main...

Lightweight, easy to use. Good suction. Charge holder easy to mount. Worth

Not as easy to turn around corners or push on thick pile and rag rugs

Dec 2009

Consumenten review (shopping.com)

I love my Ergorapido


This is an update review; I've now had my Ergorapido a couple of months and I'm still as enthusiastic. It is extremely maneuverable and the suction is very good. Can pick up crumbs, road salt, and paint chips. The swivel head makes getting around...

Light, easy to use, good suction and swivel head, removeable dustbuster. Good value

None really

Dec 2009

Consumenten review (epinions.com)

Vacuum Cleaner Utopia


She didn't have to say it more than once. I'm always up for buying a new vacuum cleaner, and even the mildest allusion to a new addition to the Spudman vacuum arsenal is all it takes to get me in full vacuum hunting mode. She wanted something small, ...

Great utitlity and versatility

Some might quibble about frequent emptying of the dust chamber

Mei 2009

Consumenten review (ciao.com)

Quick review of Electrolux EL1012A


Thanks for a nice review Thanks for a nice review Thanks for a nice review Thanks for a nice review Thanks for a nice review

Apr 2009

Consumenten review (ciao.com)

Very good sucking power, stylish and easy to use.


I have been using this Electrolux hand/stick held vacuum cleaner for about 3 months now and absolutely love it. In the one-bed flat that my boyfriend and I rent we have part carpet and part wooden floor and this vacuum cleaner works as well on both...

easy to use, stylish, bagless

Battery do not last for long sessions of cleaning

Mar 2009

Consumenten review (ciao.com)

Electrolux EL1012A


Market and that one is Electrolux EL1012A. It is very effective on cleaning.It sucks every thing even a small particle which one an ordinary vacuum cleaner can not does.It is less noisy ,i was surprised when i listen that people are feeling noisy on...



Mar 2009

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