Technics SC-C70 OTTAVA forte Premium High Resolution Hi-Fi System With Bluetooth, Wi-Fi & AirPlay, Silver

alaTest heeft 16 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Technics SC-C70 OTTAVA forte Premium High Resolution Hi-Fi System With Bluetooth, Wi-Fi & AirPlay, Silver. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.7/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar hebben twijfels over de betrouwbaarheid. De afmetingen is ook indrukwekkend.

vormgeving, gebruiksvriendelijkheid, afmetingen


We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Technics SC-C70 OTTAVA forte Premium High Resolution Hi-Fi System With Bluetooth, Wi-Fi & AirPlay, Silver een alaScore™ van 89/100 = Zeer goed.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 16 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Airplay stutters


Why did we buy. We were attracted this to as a replacement for an old Denon mini-hifi because it has a CD player and all the new wireless stuff in one neat package. A key requirement for us was the ability to stream from Apple devices using Airplay...

Mar 2018

Consumenten review (

Technics Ottava


I previously owned a Technics stack system and have enjoyed it for many years. That's why I stuck with Technics but wanted something that took up less room though I was worried I would lose the sound quality. I needn't have. I can't believe that sound...

Mar 2018

Consumenten review (

high class sound quality


perfect as a CD player of all formats which is essentially why I bought it. Great for bluetooth streaming and DAB radio. Only negative is internet radio which is difficult to access and overcomplicated compared with eg, sonos,the instructions on it are...

Feb 2018

Consumenten review (

Up to the minute


I wanted a music player that was all in one principally for CDs. This was more expensive than I wanted but as I had had Technics separates for Hifi before and was pleased with the sound I took a chance. I am really pleased with the sound and it is my...

Feb 2018

Consumenten review (

Just superb


First rate sound and first rate looks True room filling sound and great connectivity. Optic link to tv, networked Spotify, aux to record deck (vinyl has never sounded better), and real clarity from the cd. Cannot recommend highly enough.

Feb 2018

Consumenten review (

Even better than expected


We have an open plan house that makes positioning conventional stereo speakers problematic. This system provides great sound that fills our whole space without restricting us to one listening position. All from a beautifully contemporary looking unit....

Feb 2018

Consumenten review (



The best purchase made this year! Top quality All-in-One system. Purchased to replace a high end separates system to save space. Whilst it obviously can't give the same stereo effect achieved with wide apart speakers which one reviewer expected, the...

Jan 2018

Consumenten review (

Brilliant Package


Opens up a new world of quality listening for me (age 70) with internet radio and streaming added to a quality CD and DAB performance. And all in one relatively compact box which is unobtrusive but pleasingly modern.

Jan 2018

Consumenten review (

Great but!


Really brilliant sound for a really compact system. Unfortunately as far as I can judge the stereo effect does not project beyond the width of the player. This means that at more than about 1m away there is no stereo. I would be glad to here the...

Jan 2018

Consumenten review (

Amazing machine


This is really the most exceptional product.The sound quality is truly high fidelity.the range of options for media input is unmatched.The connectivity choices are manifold.the design of the product is attractive to the eye and is practical for the...

Jan 2018

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