Infinity Systems SL 20

Infinity Systems SL 20
alaScore -1

5 reviews

Mar 2025

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Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems SL 20


Its amazing what you can find if you look in the right places. The imaging, sound stage and dynamics of these speakers are on par with speakers costing $2000. All my friends, even those who dont know much about stereo gear have said how great they...

Amazing mid range for two way speaker

None for the price

Mei 2003

Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems SL 20


Great bass, lots of treble bite. Boughtthese speakers when they first came out in 1995 when I lived in California. Liked them so much I paid more to ship them home than I did for the speakers. Shame I didn''t buy some of the bigger SL floorstanders too.

Bomb-proof build quality, real oak construction, fully-sealed cabinet gives tight fast bass. No dome tweeter I''ve ever heard gives as much zing as this unit

Spring-clip terminals, treble detail is almost too transparent, sometimes revealing poor recordings

Feb 2002

Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems SL 20


I have had these speakers for about five years and they still sound GREAT. The bass that is produced from that small woofer is amazing and the high end is very sharp. I used these speakers for my mains for a few years before I upgraded to surround...

Great Bass For The Small Size

The 6 ohm rated load caused a minor problem

Apr 2000

Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems SL 20


Overall an incredible buy from Ubid for around $47 for the pair. I am using them as surround speakers with a Denon avr1700 receiver and an Infinity cc-1 center channel with bose model 4b mains (As far as I am concerned the only Bose worth anything) The...

Surprisingly good bass for a bookshelf speaker

Jan 2000

Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems SL 20


I bought these at uBid for 47 a pair, and picked up 2 pair, one as my main, and one as my surrounds, and they are excellent speakers. You'd think the bass wouldn't be that great with only a 6-1/2" woofer, but they pump, and the highs sound very clean...

Mei 1999

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