Infinity Systems RS3

Infinity Systems RS3
alaScore -1

5 reviews

Mar 2025

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Toont 1 - 5 van 5 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems RS3


Dollar for dollar, these are the best speakers I have ever owned. Great high end, superb bass. Quality speakers.

Sep 2010

Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems RS3


I went into Circuit City to buy the Bose direct-reflecting bookshelf speakers. I figured I'd listen to others, just for the hell of it. The Bose really sucked compared to these. It seems like the Bose were made much cheaper, paper cones, etc. The RS3s...

Size, clarity

For the price, none other than the repair work needed

Mar 2003

Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems RS3


Picked these up on closeout of the model some time ago to upgrade Boston Acoustics bookshelf speakers. At the time, I was amazed at how these were much more crisp and clearer than the Bostons. As an initial foray into home theater, they left...

Price, mid range

Not the most efficient speaker on the market, prone to distortion - especially when used for home theater applications, lack clarity on highs, require a sub to capture lows, cheap grill

Dec 2001

Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems RS3


An excellent speaker for a decent price. This model is widely available as an overstock last season's model. That is what makes it a steal. The silk dome tweeter seems to produce very nice and crisp highs and the 6 1/2 woofer doesn't do too bad...

Very Compact Speaker, Nice Appearance, excellent sound quality

A little bit expensive if you paid the original $350 price

Jul 2001

Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems RS3


I'm currently building a new A/V system from the ground up. My room is relatively small and I am trying to keep costs down. I started with a Kenwood VR-4080B receiver (more than I need but couldn't pass it up for the price) and added 4 RS3s.These...

Smooth sound from top to bottom. Gold binding posts. Nice size, weight, and build. Looks good with or without grilles. Excellent value

Grilles do not appear to remain secured to cabinet

Jun 2001

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