Infinity Systems RS1

Infinity Systems RS1
alaScore -1

5 reviews

Mar 2025

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Toont 1 - 5 van 5 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems RS1


They are EXCELLENT speakers for the money. I have been looking for another pair of speakers that are tonally natural and offer excellent imaging and soundstaging as these RS1. I did, unfortunately they all start at $300/pair!! Don't let the 1/2"...

Excellent tonal accuracy, Excellent soundstaging and imaging, very smooth sounding

Can't think of an limiting factors other than perhaps using the 1" Silk Tweeter would had created a more airy sound as with my RS2000.4s

Mar 2003

Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems RS1


Quite good performance for a small speaker. Mine are actually the 1991 version (called the Reference E-L), but are essentially the same as the current RS1. For my bedroom system, the bass is quite good, and, overall, I''''d consider them to be a good...

Well-rounded, and detailed sound for a smaller room

Not as much bass as my SM155''''s, though, and they do require a bit of power to run them, since sensitivity is only 89 dB

Mei 2002

Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems RS1


This little jems give detailed sound that match well with any mid-priced reciever (Onkyo, NAD... ). However, you must match them with a good sub. In a good setup these speakers will out perform speakers5 times more expensive. Their construction is very...

Detailed imaging. Only speaker of its class that enables you to resolve most of the instruments and character of symphonies and gives good punch to rock music

If you turn the volume too loud the speakerwill distort from the bass. If this is thecase, use the cross filters from a sub (lowlevel input -> high level input)

Feb 2002

Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems RS1


I recently went to Circuit City in search of an inexpensive center channel for my surround sound system. After reviewing the different speakers, the salesman pointed out to me that he had a single RS1 shelf speaker available with the same capabilities...

Stronger Vocals than other center channels

Apr 2000

Consumenten review (

Infinity Systems RS1


I can't speak for the quality of the newer RS1s - I've had mine for about 10 years and they are still performing. I just went back on the market looking for a music/home theater setup and I was amazed at the lack of bookshelf speakers with better...

Excellent sound for a bookshelf

base, of course

Mar 2000

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