Epoz Aktimate MINI

Epoz Aktimate MINI
alaScore 89

19 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 19 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Epoz Aktimate MINI. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.4/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar hebben twijfels over de betrouwbaarheid. De gebruiksvriendelijkheid is ook indrukwekkend.

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prijs, betrouwbaarheid

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 85/100 en experts beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 92/100.

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Consumenten review (amazon.co.uk)

Amazon.co.uk review summary for Epoz Aktimate MINI


alaTest has collected and analyzed 1 user review of Epoz Aktimate MINI from Amazon.co.uk. The average user rating for this product is 4.0/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.4/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.co.uk.

100% of the reviews on Amazon.co.uk give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Expert review door (whathifi.com)

Epoz Aktimate Mini+


A flexible, versatile product that offers a sound traditional iPod docks can only dream of

Solid, detailed stereo sound ; Wide stereo ; Great bass response ; Well-built ; Analogue connections

Sensitive to placement ; Old-style iPod dock connector

Expert review door : Ty Pendlebury (cnet.com.au)

Epoz AktiMate Mini


The AktiMate Mini is an Australian-designed iPod dock that offers the best stereo sound we've heard in one of these systems.

Best stereo image in its class ; Detailed sound ; CD input and 3.5mm jack ; Excellent build quality

Fussy about positioning ; Remote control is basic and unreliable

The AktiMate Mini is a well-built and attractive stereo iPod dock. If you like to hear intricate details in your music and don't much care for bombast then the Mini is one of the best sounding docks for the price. Add a decent subwoofer, give it some...

Jan 2011

Expert review door (pcauthority.com.au)

Epoz AktiMate Mini


Anyone who sneers at the description of iPod as 'hifi' needs to hear a pair of these

Feb 2010

Expert review door : Mendelson Tiu (smarthouse.com.au)

Aktimate Mini


The Aktimate Mini is a simple speaker system that can blow anyone away. It has a lot to offer despite its not so affordable price tag, making it one of the best iPod speakers we have seen and heard to date.

iPod connectivity; 3.5mm jack for input; Video output; USB port; Great sound; Can control iPod from afar using the remote

Problems with the remote range

Aug 2008

Expert review door : Christopher Jones (avguide.com)

AktiMate Mini iPod Speakers


Now that the iPod speaker scene is coming of age, we're starting to see more well-regarded hi-fi companies join the party, with players like B&W and Meridian setting the bar high for design and performance. Creek Audio and Epos both have strong...

The AktiMate Mini is a powerful, dynamic sound system that’s easy to use, has a small footrprint, and a sharp design. You can’t ask for too much more than that. Of all the iPod/PC-oriented speaker systems I’ve heard over the last few years, this one...

Jul 2008

Expert review door : Jez Ford (avhub.com.au)

AktiMate Mini active iPod speakers


The AktiMate Minis have everything going for them — simplicity, heritage and performance. And they're even Australian.

Powerful hi-fi sound ; Simplicity of set-up ; Great value for the performance ; Negative ; Nowt ; News ; Product Reviews ; Features ; In This Issue ; Subscribe Now ; Editor's Desk ; Problem Solver

Nowt ; News ; Product Reviews ; Features ; In This Issue ; Subscribe Now ; Editor's Desk ; Problem Solver

Consider the youth of today heading off to college. Computer, iPod, AktiMates, and they’re done. Consider the cluttered office with no room to shelve a whole hi-fi system — iPod, AktiMates, and you’re done. And you can’t even call them a small-room...

Expert review door : Gerald Strömer und Ty Pendlebury (cnet.de)

Epoz AktiMate Mini: iPod-Lautsprecher-Dock mit exzellentem Klang


Das iPod-Lautsprecher-Dock AktiMate Mini des australischen Herstellers Epoz reproduziert echten Stereo-HiFi-Sound vom iPod oder iPhone und punktet mit attraktivem Design. Unsere Kollegen von CNET in Australien haben das auch hierzulande erhältliche...

bester Stereoklang seiner Klasse ; detaillierter Sound ; Cinch- und 3,5-mm-Klinke-Eingang sowie AV-Ausgang ; exzellente Verarbeitungsqualität

sorgfältige Positionierung nötig, Fernbedienung bietet nur grundlegende Funktionen und arbeitet unzuverlässig

Das AktiMate Mini von Epoz ist ein attraktives iPod-Lautsprecher-Dock, das mit dem besten Stereoklang seiner Klasse überzeugt.

Feb 2011

Expert review door : Christian Rechenbach (hifitest.de)

Test Lautsprecher Stereo - Epoz AktiMate Mini -


Ich weiß, die ganz verschworenen High-Ender lassen nichts auf ihre Vor-End-Kombi und die daran angeschlossenen Lautsprecher kommen. Aber die heutige Zeit verlangt nunmal auch nach kleinen Lösungen. Da spielen uns vor allem Musikdownloads und gerippte...

Die AktiMate Mini machen genau das richtig gut, was sie tun sollen: Für Platz sorgen und insbesondere vom PC klanglich überzeugen.

Dec 2010

Consumenten review (cnet.com.au)

"Nice design, powerful - but horrible hiss!"


I bought a pair of these 6 months ago and put them on my desk as PC speakers. They have a great sound and handle most genres pretty well. I do like a bit of thumping bass for house music, and find the Akitmate's lacking only slightly in that department.

Nice design, powerful, convenient

Hiss/buzz like crazy, picks up radio frequencies

Apr 2011

Consumenten review (cnet.com.au)

Epoz AktiMate Mini


I've had my white AkiMate Minis for over 4 years and they still continue to surprise me. The sound quality rivals much more expensive units and these speakers just look gorgeous. The only issue I have had with my units is the iPod dock - I need to...

Looks, power, performance

iPod dock sometimes has issues

Jan 2011

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