Definitive Technology PROCINEMA 6D

Definitive Technology PROCINEMA 6D
alaScore -1

2 reviews

Mar 2025

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Expert review door : Erika Rawes (Lifewire TECH FOR HUMANS)

The 5 Best Surround Sound Speakers of 2021


There are undoubtedly more expensive surround sound speaker options, all of which would be deemed a “splurge.” If money is no object, there's no shortage of options that can range into the thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars. However, for...

Intelligent engineering Powerful bass Clean design

Some distortion on loudest volume levels

Definitive’s best described as detail-rich, preserving the fidelity of a soundtrack while allowing for all the simultaneous effects to be heard and enjoyed. The 300-watt subwoofer paired with the center speaker and satellites are all well regarded on...

Okt 2021

Expert review door : CAROLINE PREECE (HOMES & GARDENS)

Best surround sound system 2021: the ultimate home theater systems for you


Get the full sonic experience from your home theater system with something like the Definitive Technology ProCinema 6D set, which includes not just a center speaker and subwoofer, but four speakers to place around your space for the maximum audio...

Largest number of speakers True customisable surround sound

No Bluetooth or smart features Audio receiver required

As a more traditional surround sound system, the ProCinema 6D offers more customization, allowing you to change up your speaker system whenever you want. The only catch is that you'll have to purchase an audio receiver if you don't already have one,...

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