Cambridge SoundWorks SoundWorks

Cambridge SoundWorks SoundWorks
alaScore -1

5 reviews

Mar 2025

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Consumenten review (

Cambridge Soundworks Soundworks


If I remember correctly, "Soundworks" was the first powered PC-multimediaspeakers that Cambridge Soundworks sold. Designed by the late Henry Koss in the 1990s, this little speaker system is one of the audio market's best kept secrets. For its price -...

Inexpensive speakers that would satisfy the ears of an audio buff. Flexible and easy to use. Simply the best at its price range

A more attractive looking volume control would be nice

Jun 2003

Consumenten review (

Cambridge Soundworks Soundworks


This is probably the best 2.1 system I've seen at this price (and higher). The build quality is excellent, sound quality is phenomenal and you can find them at very low prices. I currently use them in a dorm room, and this system can really fill it...

Really good subCompactBuild qualityInexpensive

Volume Control

Apr 2003

Consumenten review (

Cambridge Soundworks Soundworks


I received these speakers with high expectations. For the size and price I can proudly say they were met. No, you can't push them too loud as the "sub" bottoms out quickly but I found it to work best in a small bedroom as a second system. There's...

Small satellites can be placed just about anywhere; when balanced and set-up properly sounds great

Subwoofer" can't be pushed too loudly with material containing low frequencies; placement can be tricky to get best blend of sounds

Mei 2002

Consumenten review (

Cambridge Soundworks Soundworks


I couldnt be more happy, purchasing such quality speakers for a decent price.

Excellent sound quality, perfect to go with any creative live or audigy cards

I wish that it would have a headphone port

Feb 2002

Consumenten review (

Cambridge Soundworks Soundworks


I owned the Cambridged SoundWorks (CSW) Micro Works III for almost three years. Then, recently I purchased the new CSW Sub/Sat multimedia speaker system "MegaWorks 210D". I hooked it up to my home PC and I was immediately "stunned",...

The MegaWorks 210D delivers audiophile "quality" sound !270 Watts hybrid amplifier/150Watts 8" subwoofer.High quality drivers, amplifier circuity, beautiful enclosure


Nov 2001

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