Cambridge Soundworks Oontz

Cambridge Soundworks Oontz
alaScore 90

5 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 5 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Cambridge Soundworks Oontz. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.0/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen de afmetingen zeer.

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Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 100/100 en experts beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 75/100.

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Toont 1 - 5 van 5 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door : David Carnoy (

Goofy name, great speaker


As far inexpensive wireless speakers go, the $35 Oontz Angle 3 Plus delivers a lot of sound bang for the buck.

Cambridge Soundworks' Oontz Angle 3 Plus manages to deliver fairly rich sound despite its small size and relatively low price. It also has excellent battery life, is water-resistant and has speakerphone capabilities.

Some treble push.

Ignore the goofy name: The Oontz 3 Plus delivers about as good sound as you'll get from a $35 Bluetooth speaker.

Aug 2017

Expert review door : David Carnoy (

Oontz XL: $99.99 Bluetooth bargain


Cambridge SoundWorks adds to its line of value wireless Bluetooth speakers with the larger Oontz XL, which sounds better than competing $100 models.

The ; offers better sound than similarly priced mini Bluetooth speakers. It's attractively styled and includes speakerphone capabilities and USB charging for smartphones. Battery life is also good (over 10 hours at more moderate volumes).

Doesn't play incredibly loud; AC adapter is required to power/charge the unit (rather than a 5V Micro-USB charger).

While it doesn't sound as good as its more expensive rivals, the Cambridge SoundWorks Oontz XL is the best big Bluetooth speaker you can get for under $100.

Nov 2013

Expert review door : Max Mutter Steven Tata change comparison (

Cambridge SoundWorks Oontz Angle 3 Review


The Cambridge SoundWorks Oontz Angle 3 is small and inexpensive (when it's found on sale). While it is still much better than listening to a...

The Cambridge SoundWorks Oontz Angle 3 is a decent speaker for those not fussed by sound quality who are on a tight budget, but the fits that bill just a bit better.

Apr 2017

Expert review door : David Carnoy (

Esta es una de las bocinas inalámbricas económicas con mejor sonido


Entre las bocinas inalámbricas de precio razonable, la Oontz Angle 3 Plus, de US$35, ofrece mucho por tu dinero.

La bocina Oontz Angle Plus 3 de Cambridge Soundworks entrega un sonido sorprendentemente bueno a pesar de su pequeño tamaño y precio relativamente bajo. También tiene una duración excelente de la batería, es resistente al agua y se puede usar para...

Presenta algunas dificultades con los sonidos agudos.

No le hagas caso al nombre raro, la Oontz 3 Plus entrega el mejor sonido que puedes esperar de una bocina Bluetooth de US$35.

Sep 2017

Consumenten review (

Good sound quality


Good sound quality . Easy to use. Works fine with iPhone , htc, and Samsung (that's what I tried with). So... Over all awesome product!

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