First Alert Online Wi-Fi Smoke and CO Alarm

First Alert Online Wi-Fi Smoke and CO Alarm
alaScore 94

3 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 3 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor First Alert Online Wi-Fi Smoke and CO Alarm. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 2.5/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.6/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de First Alert Online Wi-Fi Smoke and CO Alarm een alaScore™ van 94/100 = Uitstekend.

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Toont 1 - 3 van 3 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door : Andrew Gebhart (

First Alert OneLink Wi-Fi Smoke and CO Alarm review: HomeKit, Siri and Wi-Fi don't add up to useful smarts


The many software problems on this First Alert Smoke and CO detector are, well, alarming.

First Alert shows off its hardware pedigree with the OneLink by First Alert Wi-Fi Smoke and CO Alarm. The device looks good, and responds to smoke quickly and consistently.

The HomeKit integration doesn't add anything and the unresponsive app takes quite a bit away from this supposedly smart smoke detector. Both the push notifications and the in-app silencing feature are too slow to be useful.

You'll pay a premium for this smart alarm that just isn't very smart. HomeKit's first smoke detector is one to avoid until it gets a few major software updates.

Jan 2016

Expert review door : Andrew Gebhart (

First Alert OneLink Wi-Fi Smoke and CO Alarm review: HomeKit, Siri and Wi-Fi don't add up to useful smarts


What aggravates me most about the OneLink by First Alert Wi-Fi Smoke + CO Alarm is what it could have been. This is HomeKit's answer to the Nest Protect, and with its killer list of features, I honestly thought it had a good chance to become the smart...

First Alert shows off its hardware pedigree with the OneLink by First Alert Wi-Fi Smoke and CO Alarm. The device looks good, and responds to smoke quickly and consistently

The HomeKit integration doesn't add anything and the unresponsive app takes quite a bit away from this supposedly smart smoke detector. Both the push notifications and the in-app silencing feature are too slow to be useful

You'll pay a premium for this smart alarm that just isn't very smart. HomeKit's first smoke detector is one to avoid until it gets a few major software updates.

Jan 2016

Expert review door : Andrew Gebhart (

First Alert OneLink Wi-Fi Smoke and CO Alarm review


What aggravates me most about the OneLink by First Alert Wi-Fi Smoke + CO Alarm is what it could have been. This is HomeKit's answer to the Nest Protect , and with its killer list of features, I honestly thought it had a good chance to become the smart...

First Alert shows off its hardware pedigree with the OneLink by First Alert Wi-Fi Smoke and CO Alarm. The device looks good, and responds to smoke quickly and consistently.

The HomeKit integration doesn't add anything and the unresponsive app takes quite a bit away from this supposedly smart smoke detector. Both the push notifications and the in-app silencing feature are too slow to be useful.

You'll pay a premium for this smart alarm that just isn't very smart. HomeKit's first smoke detector is one to avoid until it gets a few major software updates.

Jan 2016

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