Tvonics DTR-Z500

Tvonics DTR-Z500
alaScore 91

115 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 115 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Tvonics DTR-Z500. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.0/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Tvonics DTR-Z500 een alaScore™ van 91/100 = Uitstekend.

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Consumenten review ( review summary for Tvonics DTR-Z500


alaTest has collected and analyzed 33 user reviews of Tvonics DTR-Z500 from The average user rating for this product is 3.3/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.0/5 for other products in the same category on

61% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Expert review door : Andrew Williams (

TVonics DTR-Z500HD


The TVonics DTR-Z500HD PVR will let you watch and record Freeview HD broadcasts.

Easy to use ; Good picture quality ; Built-in HDMI switch

No video playback over USB ; No archiving of recordings

You can’t record the signal from these inputs onto the PVR’s hard-drive though, a limit of HDMI's digital restrictions as much as anything else. Recording is limited to the two Freeview tuners here. There’s a 500GB hard drive built-in, and while the...

Aug 2012

Expert review door : What Hi-Fi? (

TVonics DTR-Z500HD review


The tiny TVonics DTR-Z500HD PVR packs a huge hard drive

Small and convenient ; 500GB HDD ; detailed picture with standard-def and HD

Not as intuitive as it could be ; no streaming or smart functionality ; noisy picture

Not quite an unflappable all-rounder, but still worth a closer inspection

Jul 2011

Expert review door (

TVonics DTR-Z500HD review


How do you stand out in the crowded Freeview HD PVR market? Excluding media streaming and DLNA networking is hardly in keeping with the Freeview zeitgeist, but the DTR-Z500HD boasts a couple of handy features that look compelling. One is a built-in...

The slickly-designed user interface makes this box a pleasure to use. The fonts and colour scheme are attractive, and navigation between menu screens is fast and logical, although programme information is basic. The remote control is classy despite...

The Ethernet port is part of the Freeview spec, but there’s no compulsion to use it so here it’s simply using up real estate on the rear panel

Feb 2012

Expert review door : Stuart Miles (

TVonics DTR-Z500 Freeview PVR


Pausing live TV isn't just about getting Sky+ you know, there are other variants that don't require you to pay a monthly subscription, but with Sky boasting such an easy interface can TVonics challenge? We get watching TV to find out. At £200 this...

500GB of storage, easy to use, some nice features

Can't favourite channels, design is a bit niche, no off switch

At £200 this massive hard drive PVR offers plenty of space for recording, probably more than you'll ever use, and some nice features for the money. It's quiet too.

Okt 2008

Expert review door : paul_smart (

TVonics DTR-Z500HD


This is the latest offering from TVonics, the 500GB machine has what some would describe as a bare interface with the front showing up to three pin hole LED's these appear in different combinations of red and green.

I myself prefer a little more information on the unit such as a clock showing when on standby, the length of the recorded program you are viewing that has elapsed or the channel you are watching

Mei 2011

Expert review door : mfereday (

A Freeview PVR Box : TVonics DTR-Z500


Are you ready for the switch-over? Maybe it is time you considered how best to make the move from analogue to digital television.

The 500GB hard drive should give you enough storage capacity of up to 250 hours of content. Helping keep this content under some sort of control is a Library feature. This module will display all available recordings which can be sorted into a specific...

Feb 2010

Expert review door : paul_smart (

TVonics Digital TV Recorder DTR-Z500


In February this year (23-2-09) I reviewed a pre production version of their 250GB version. Here I am looking at the resale version and the one I have is 500GB and it takes a long time – with normal watching – to fill this unit up.

The unit looks identical to and even having seen that previously it still takes a while to get used to the display on the unit being only three LED’s. The one dead centre can be either red or green dependant on if the unit is on or off. The right one...

Jul 2009

Expert review door (

TVonics DTR-Z500


A standard definition Freeview set-top box, the TVonics DTR-Z500 has 500GB of storage, an eight-day EPG and twin tuners. Output is courtesy of two Scart sockets and a (proprietary) optical jack. The good Do you still have your primary school report...

Solid construction, good components and a mighty half terabyte of storage should be enough to woo anyone, even if one day you’ll miss High Def functionality. TVonics DTR-Z500 is tagged with TVonics DTR-Z500, TVonics and Freeview receiver. Select a tag...

Apr 2009

Expert review door : Alun Taylor (

TVonics DTR-Z500 500GB Freeview+ DVR


It may lack HD goodness, but the Z500 is well made, easy to use, quiet and stylish.

If you're not concerned about matters HD and have no intention of shifting content between your DVR and PC then the Z500 is not a bad buy. It's very easy to set up and use, has one of the best EPGs we have come across, has an excellent remote control...

Dec 2008

Consumenten review (

TVonics DTR-Z500HD


Does what it says on the tin!

Sometimes a bit slow to start up.

Jan 2013

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