Teac PVR-160T

Teac PVR-160T
alaScore 81

9 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 9 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Teac PVR-160T. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.6/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, beeldkwaliteit

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 74/100 en experts beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 69/100.

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Expert review door : James Dickinson (goodgearguide.com.au)



The advent of digital television has brought many advantages but if you only have a standard set top box, recording programs is not one of them. TEAC'...

Dual Tuners, Good quality recording

Lacks advanced features, Not the most intuitive interface for recording, software needs additional documentation

A good quality PVR with basic features but poor documentation.

Jul 2006

Expert review door : David Braue (cnet.com.au)

Teac PVR-160T


The Teac PVR-160T isn't brimming with cutting-edge features, but it offers the usual assortment of PVR, picture and MP3 capabilities; a worthwhile investment for anybody investing in SD digital TV.

Clean, smooth picture. USB link allows MP3 and picture files to be stored on the unit's hard drive. Dual tuners allows recording on one digital TV channel and watching another. Easy-to-use interface.

Basic external display not very informative. No memory card slot for transferring photos and music. 15-second video skip makes fast-forwarding an exercise in patience. USB 1.1-only means video downloads are painfully slow. Conversion process for...

The Teac PVR-160T isn't brimming with cutting-edge features, but it offers the usual assortment of PVR, picture and MP3 capabilities in an effectively packaged box that makes it a worthwhile investment for anybody investing in standard-definition...

Okt 2010

Consumenten review (cnet.com.au)

Teac PVR-160T


EPG - what EPG!!!

Apr 2007

Consumenten review (cnet.com.au)

Teac PVR-160T


Easy to use and set up, recording uptions are good.

User Friendly, upgradable software, recording options

USB must be connected to a PC, you can't just plug in a ASB flashdrive and upload/download ; Remote is bland

Mar 2007

Consumenten review (cnet.com.au)

"Very happy"


With the latest firmware the 15 second skip forward becomes a 30 second skip. There is also the option on a 2 minute jump with one of the other buttons

Can't timmer record two shows at once. The timeshift is not automatic, so you can't rewind live TV

Aug 2006

Consumenten review (cnet.com.au)

"Very happy"


Easy to use and set up, recording uptions are good.

With the latest firmware the 15 second skip forward becomes a 30 second skip. There is also the option on a 2 minute jump with one of the other buttons

Can't timmer record two shows at once. The timeshift is not automatic, so you can't rewind live TV

Aug 2006

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)



solid work horse, easy to use but need to use time shift to tape a second channel and this feature isn't documented.

1.7 twin tuner, easy to use

uses propriety file format foe file storage makes transfer to computer almost imposible, only USB 1 port

Apr 2008

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)



This is a great unit if you dont mind 'reasonable' resolution SD. Generally SD that comes standard on TV's now is a better quality, but its great for just catching up on shows that you might not usually watch due to time constraints. The unit would...

Very easy to use, good sound and picture quality, heaps of storage Great value for money.

Very difficult to use tranfer software - hard to convert to a watchable file on PC. While you can record 2 programs at once, it is a bit cumbersom - but can be done... on occasion you lose what you recirded while you time shift, and occasionally...

Jan 2008

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)



I've had this for quite a while, I receintly bought a DgTec sd-160T which was supposed to replace the TEAC as it also records DVD's, but the TEAC has better picture quality (who would have thought!) and is much better to use, so the DgTec is religated...

very good picture and sound quality good remote easy to use good use of favorite channels

USB 1 - verrrry slow to transfer to PC need special software to convert to DVD can get quite hot

Aug 2007

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