Teac HDB850

Teac HDB850
alaScore 71

52 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 52 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Teac HDB850. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 2.3/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Teac HDB850 een alaScore™ van 71/100 = Goed.

Review analyse

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Toont 1 - 10 van 52 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)



Even for a relatively inexpensive STB I would expect more. The record button is not labelled on the remote and despite having the unit for 6 months I can still not find a way to push the record button and then enter a duration, eg 2 hrs. I have to...

Jul 2017

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)

Good but not phenomenal...basic entry level that gets the job done


Moving over from South Africa we needed something that would help our Samsung TV pick up the local welfare channels. This device has done the trick. Took a while to figure out that it is very sensitive to electronic interference so cannot sit on top of...

Jul 2017

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)

Not Satisfied


I purchased this unit June 2017 Problem with standby recording. Will record currently viewed program but will not record on standby. I am assured that I am setting up according to instruction. The unit is satisfactory in other respects but not simple...

Jul 2017

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)

Perfect if you have time to waste!


Purchased unit just after the mpeg channels went to air, and although I can now hear those channels, I have to constantly do a channel search to ensure ALL channels are available. The EPG is always out of date (a day forward, at least) but when...

Jun 2017

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)



I purchased 2 of these HDB850 set top boxes because the high def standard has changed and 2 of my older LCD TV's didn't like the mpeg4 format. I like these set top boxes because one TV has component input and the other has HDMI and these boxes cater...

Mei 2017

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)

Very disappointing


The Auto setup organised the channels as it found them, not by the channel number. Eg: CH16 was 9 GO, CH24 was SBS HD, CH30 was ABC ME, Terrible. Then the info switches itself off within seconds, I'm pretty good at reading but couldn't read half before...

Mar 2017

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)

Cheap and nasty- absolute crap


We have an analogue big screen TV, and needed a suitable tuner. This STB has good quality on HD, sharp and vibrant. Problems: EPG crap, when scrolling thru channels, it shows 3-4 days from now and it's messy getting to today; recording- a booked TV...

Jan 2017

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)

Cheap and nasty- absolute crap


We have an analogue big screen TV, and needed a suitable tuner. This STB has good quality on HD, sharp and vibrant. Problems: EPG crap, when scrolling thru channels, it shows 3-4 days from now and it's messy getting to today; recording- a booked TV...

Jan 2017

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)

Don't waste your money


Have owned 3 of these now, every single one of them has been a lemon. I admit one of them was purchased off ebay, so i took it as it may have been just a dodgy seller, bit the other two were purchased from the good guys and they were all useless. They...

Nov 2016

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)

My cheap Chinese brand was better than this known one. Chinese one was half the price too.


Constantly having to reprogram to find all the channels. And had to go back to using old school bunny ears because the antennae is woeful. I live 5 km from the CBD. There should be no excuse. This product was twice the price of my old unit which...

Nov 2016

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