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6 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 6 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor DGTEC DG-HDMP500TT. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 2.0/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 40/100.

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Toont 1 - 6 van 6 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)

Terrible ,terrible , terrible etc etc


The unit freezes ,have to power off manually to restart ,runs slow and now I can't even watch Youtube videos.The latest firmware is 3 years old 2011. After sales service response was " If it is still under warranty ,take it back " It was'nt. Obviously...

Dec 2014

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)



This is the most frustrating device I own. It works just good enough that I don't through it out. It freezes, it rescans the channels by itself. I tried updating the software,but it didn't see it on the memory stick. You can't have 2 types of video...

Aug 2014

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)

When it works it's great


But when it decides not to co-operate it's the most frustrating device I own. For weeks it goes without a hitch then for no reason it will not show up on my computer's network and won't stream movies from the laptop- constantly requires my network...

Streaming wirelessly from laptop

Terrible remote!

Jan 2013

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)

Great at first but having heaps of problems now


I found this Twin player HD Tuner to be great at first however i have not used it in the last 12 months because it will not let me record shows. It locked all my scheduled recordings so i could not edit them and now it has the incorrect date/time and...

Jan 2013

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)

nice small pvr but bugged by software problems


After installing and tuning soon discovered problems with EPG recording. Recording scedules were corrupted after single or series recording, Software upgrade(bit complicated for average user) did not resolve problem in 100%. Issues with DGTEC support...

small, energy efficient

Poor software and support

Sep 2012

Consumenten review (productreview.com.au)



Automatically rescans all channels regularly and freezes so that you have to unplug from wall. Terrible EPG. Have set manual records and recording from EPG but most seem to fail. I have no idea why. Would not recommend. Only good thing is the...

able to add and change hard drives

Freezes regularly and more records fail than are successful

Jun 2012

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