Bush DTR with Smart 500GB

Bush DTR with Smart 500GB
alaScore 87

199 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 199 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Bush DTR with Smart 500GB. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.3/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Bush DTR with Smart 500GB een alaScore™ van 87/100 = Zeer goed.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 199 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Bush DTR with Smart 500GB


" This was a repeat purchase because of satisfaction with the earlier model. I am still happy but think the small size text on the 'Info' and programme guide (EPG) is a disappointing change to the original. It is hard to read the writing on the screen. "

Aug 2016

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Bush hard drive tv recorder


" This machine is very easy to set up and a doddle to use,it is simplicity itself yet does most things you only get with more expensive recorders "

Jul 2016

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Freeview recorder


" Much more compact than previous box but remote larger! Relatively easy to set up particularly if you have owned one previously. Picks up most stations. Picture quality good. Easy to record, etc. Reasonable value, not the cheapest but ok for the...

Jul 2016

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Good value


" So far so good, Library set up not as good as my old one ie, putting recordings into named files (not sure if there is a way of doing this with archiving) I have not explored all the features yet. I don't like the narrow line around the recorded item...

Jul 2016

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

freeview box


" the first one I purchased had to be replaced. The replacment is now appearing to be faulty. "

Jul 2016

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

I'm very pleased with my top box.


" It's so easy to use, the manual for once is written in a language even I could understand and it's wasn't expensive. "

Jul 2016

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Hd digibox


" Easy to set up. Good quality hd pictures. Even has Internet portal for you tube and others. Recording quality good. Overall a good buy . Thanks "

Jul 2016

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Excellent for price


" Amazing value for price. Bit complicated working out how to use it. Helps if a friend's got one and can advise. But amazing range of programs on offer once sussed! "

Jul 2016

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Good value.


" Very easy to set up and use. Only problem is the picture occasionally freezes but only for a couple of seconds but sorts itself out. Doesn't do it every time I watch. Still very good for the money paid. "

Jul 2016

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Excellent in all respects


" Having had 3 previous recorders this is by far the best good picture and very easy to use in spite of being elderly with poor eyesight also excellent value "

Jul 2016

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