Epson EH-TW5000 / PowerLite Home Cinema 6500UB

alaTest heeft 18 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Epson EH-TW5000 / PowerLite Home Cinema 6500UB. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.2/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen het zwartniveau zeer maar hebben twijfels over de afmetingen. Het gebruiksgemak is ook indrukwekkend.

beeldkwaliteit, gebruiksvriendelijkheid, vormgeving, zwartniveau, ruis


Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 88/100 en experts beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 80/100.

Review analyse

(Gebaseerd op 18 reviews)

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Consumenten review ( review summary for Epson EH-TW5000 / PowerLite Home Cinema 6500UB


alaTest has collected and analyzed 8 user reviews of Epson EH-TW5000 / PowerLite Home Cinema 6500UB from The average user rating for this product is 4.4/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.2/5 for other products in the same category on Opinions about the reliability and noise are generally positive. The design and usability also get good feedback. There are some less positive reviews about the price.

image quality, usability, design, noise, reliability


100% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Expert review door : Clint DeBoer (

Epson 6500UB LCD Projector Review


It's always surprising to me to see new projectors hit the market with better and better performance and less and less compromise - and at prices often identical to, or even lower than, just a year

Excellent blacks ; Super low standby power consumption ; 2.1x zoom Fujinon lens ; Quiet

Significant lag during gaming ; 120Hz FineFrame mode unstable with fast motion footage and games ; Limited digital zoom modes

Mei 2009

Expert review door : (

Epson EH-TW5000


Outstanding contrast for an LCD., Phenomenally pure colors., Long-lifetime lamp guarantee., Excellent 24p movie pictures., Versatile installation.

Focusing and LCD pixel-raster too coarse., Weaknesses in scaling of SDTV material.

Give them a round of applause: Epson’s EH-TW5000 pushes the picture-quality bar up to a new level for LCD projectors! It gleams with sensational colors, high motion-clarity, and the best LCD contrast we’ve ever seen. And it gets even better: The device...

Mar 2012

Expert review door : Projector US (

Epson PowerLite HC 6500UB Home Theater Projector Review


True 1080P (1920 x 1080) resolution featuring 3LCD projection = stunning images Black levels are amongst the absolute best you’ll find, Out-of-box image quality is well above average, and comprehensive and easy-to-use image adjustment features make it...

For all intents and purposes, the 120 Hz FineFrame technology is an absolute disaster and does nothing to improve the image, making matters much worse, but thankfully you can just turn it off, Projector is a little bigger and heavier than the model it...

If you can ignore and forget that whole 120 Hz FineFrame technology debacle (which shouldn’t be too hard since you can turn it off), the Epson 6500UB will reward you with one of the finest in-class, HD, 1080p home theater experiences you’re likely to...

Jan 2010

Expert review door : Greg Robinson (

Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 6500 UB 1080p Home Theater ProjectorReview


Delivering exceptionally deep blacks and a vivid, accurate color palette, Epson's boxy-but-good 6500UB makes the short list of affordable 1080p projectors worthy of your hard-earned coin.

Epson's 6500UB may be boxy, it may be a tad heavy and its frame interpolation mode may not be quite ready for prime time, but that's not going to stop me from calling it a remarkable performer. You'll notice I didn't tack "for the money" onto the end...

Aug 2009

Expert review door : Thomas J. Norton (

Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 6500 UB LCD Projector


Price: $2,999 At A Glance: Excellent video processing • Superior color and color adjustability • Near state-of-the-art black level • Natural detail Epson is one of the major players in the business projector business, and it's now making inroads into...

Jul 2009

Expert review door : Projector reviews (

Expert Review


All in one solution that should work in most rooms that have at least 14 feet of depth, Saves the time and hassle of investigating separately AV receivers, projectors, speaker systems, and so on., Using the channels, the complete system should be...

Arguably, you could buy individual components and get more bang for the buck (however, if you plan to pay others to install a home theater, it’s probably a bargain., While color and skin tones are really very good, there are a few projectors that can...

Okt 2008

Expert review door : (

Hjemmekinokonge på «billigsalg»


Denne topprojektoren fra Epson har nesten halvert seg i pris siden den var ny. På tide å kjøpe?

Mei 2011

Expert review door : (

Epson EH-TW5000


Prawidłowe barwy, Dobra gwarancja, Bardzo dobra czerń i kontrast, Wysoka jasność w trybie dziennym - kinowym, Maskownica kabli

Kiepski system 100 Hz, Słyszalna praca dynamicznej przesłony

Epson długo zwlekał z rynkową premierą swojego flagowego projektora do kina domowego. Choć pokazano go już kilka miesięcy temu na berlińskich targach IFA 2008, do sklepów trafił dopiero na początku 2009 roku. Do tego czasu mieliśmy już okazję...

Aug 2010

Expert review door : (

Epson EH-TW5000


Luminosité, Réactivité de l’iris, Colorimétrie léchée, Cache connectique fourni, Excellent traitement vidéo, Compensation de mouvement efficace, Compatibilité xvYCC et Deep Color

Pas de gestion du CEC, Objectif entièrement manuel, Un peu d'artefact sur les contours lorsque la compensation de mouvement est activée

Sep 2009

Expert review door : (

Видеопроектор Epson EH-TW5000


Проектор обладает весьма привлекательным соотношением качество/цена, а потому в его популярности можно не сомневаться.

Впечатляющее качество изображения, функция сдвига оптики по вертикали и горизонтали.

Моторизованный фокус этому аппарату все же не помешал бы.

Jun 2009

Vergelijk de prijzen voor Epson EH-TW5000 / PowerLite Home Cinema 6500UB

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