Kodak ESP 2170

Kodak ESP 2170
alaScore 86

190 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 190 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Kodak ESP 2170. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.9/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Kodak ESP 2170 een alaScore™ van 86/100 = Zeer goed.

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Consumenten review (amazon.co.uk)

Amazon.co.uk review summary for Kodak ESP 2170


alaTest has collected and analyzed 36 user reviews of Kodak ESP 2170 from Amazon.co.uk. The average user rating for this product is 3.8/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.co.uk.

81% of the reviews on Amazon.co.uk give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Consumenten review (amazon.de)

Zusammenfassung der Amazon.de- Kundenbewertungen für Kodak ESP 2170


alaTest hat 17 Kundenbewertungen für Kodak ESP 2170 von Amazon.de zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 3.2/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.0/5 für andere Produkte auf Amazon.de.

59% der Kundenmeinungen auf Amazon.de bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

This summary is based on the products: Kodak ESP Office 2170 Multifunktionsgerät (Scanner, Kopierer, Drucker und Fax)Kodak ESP Office 2170 Multifunktionsgerät (Scanner, Kopierer, Drucker und Fax)

Mar 2025

Expert review door : Simon Williams (trustedreviews.com)

Kodak ESP Office 2170


Kodak's new, slimmed-down print engine in a SOHO all-in-one, at a lower price than earlier models. So is it all good news?

Easy WPS wireless setup ; Easy maintenance ; Built-in fax

Slow print ; No duplex ; No separate photo tray

Kodak provides its AiO Home Centre software, which covers all the basics, as well as drivers for PC and Mac. The two ink cartridges, one black and the other tri-colour, clip into the semi-permanent print head, which itself clips into the head carrier...

Jun 2011

Expert review door : Justin Yu (cnet.com)

Kodak ESP Office 2170 All-in-One review: Kodak ESP Office 2170 All-in-One


Kodak ESP Office 2170 All-in-One

The ; proves to be a capable home office performer, with an impressive software bundle, simple installation, and a new print engine design that keeps ink costs low.

The printer lacks double-sided printing and has a small LCD screen that hinders photo-editing functionality. Also, Kodak's All-in-One Home Center software works only with Windows, leaving Mac users without 3D printing or photo-editing features.

The Kodak ESP 2170 is worthwhile if you run a small business and need a low-volume printer that can output high-quality snapshot photos, but bigger offices and Mac users should keep shopping.

Jun 2011

Expert review door : M. David Stone (pcmag.com)

Kodak ESP Office 2170 All-in-One Printer


The Kodak ESP Office 2170 All-In-One Printer offers features for both home and office, and the ability to print 3D photos.

Prints 3D photos. Prints and scans over a network. Standalone copier and fax. Automatic document feeder. Wi-Fi.

No Ethernet connector. Relatively low paper capacity. Relatively slow for business applications. Can't fax from a PC.

More Multi-function Printer Reviews: • Brother MFC-L8610CDW• Brother MFC-L8900CDW• HP OfficeJet Pro 6978 All-in-One Printer• OKI MC573dn• Canon Pixma TS9020 Wireless Inkjet All-in-One Printer• more

Jun 2011

Expert review door : Robin Morris (techadvisor.co.uk)

Kodak ESP Office 2170 review


The Kodak ESP Office 2170 is a multifunctional inkjet printer that falls squarely into Kodak's Office range.

The Kodak ESP Office 2170 isn't without its faults. We'd prefer a larger screen and, of course, the speed is disappointing. It's a real shame that you couldn't use this MFD for urgent text jobs, as otherwise it's got the strong scanner (with great...

Jul 2011

Expert review door : Melissa Riofrio and Jon L. Jacobi (macworld.co.uk)

Kodak ESP Office 2170 All-in-One Printer review


Affordable, but minimal, all-in-one printer

Easy-to-use control panel and software; Excellent photo output

Cannot print or scan in duplex; Plain-paper print quality is mediocre

The best way to look at the Kodak ESP Office 2170 is as a photo printer that also handles basic office chores in low volumes. If nothing else, its inexpensive inks make it far cheaper to operate than most others in its class. If you're looking for a...

Sep 2011

Expert review door : Cliff Joseph (macworld.co.uk)

Kodak ESP Office 2170 review


Kodak's ESP Office 2170 has very low running costs and, as the name suggests, is clearly designed as a workhorse office printer

Low purchase price and very low running costs; very good text and graphics output

Limited quality when printing photos on plain paper

If you’re looking for a specialist photo-printer then there are more sophisticated models in this group. However, the low running costs of the ESP Office 2170 make it a good choice as a general-purpose printer for home and small business users, while...

Aug 2011

Expert review door : Ali Heriyanto (chipchick.com)

Kodak ESP Office 2170 Printer Review


When you buy a printer there are certain features consumers look for prior to their printer purchase. For starters – price? Does it print quality images? How fast does it print? And how much will the ink cost me? Well the latest All-in-one printer from...

Easy setup. Good value for your money when it comes to ink cartridges. 3D printing feature. Wireless printing. iPhone and BlackBerry Apps available for printing directly from mobile devices

3D software printing is disabled for Macs. Cheap paper 3D glasses

The Kodak ESP Office 2170 is a well rounded printer that can also scan, copy and send faxes. It may also just seem like another typical budget all-in-one printer but it truly is a budget printer for the long haul, and it prints some nifty 3D images to...

Mei 2011

Expert review door : CNET UK (cnetfrance.fr)

Kodak ESP Office 2170


La Kodak ESP Office 2170 offre de nombreuses fonctionnalités et une bonne qualité d'impression aussi bien pour les textes que les images le tout pour un faible coût d'utilisation. Elle pêche en revanche sur la vitesse d'impression.

l'étendue des fonctionnalités, le prix de revient, qualité général des photo set du texte, wi-Fi intégré

vitesse d'impression

La qualité d’impression est globalement très bonne et nous a particulièrement impressionné en ce qui concerne les photos, sachant en effet que l’ESP Office 2170 utilise une seule cartouche 3 couleurs. C’est d’ailleurs ce qui lui permet d’offrir un coût...

Sep 2011

Consumenten review (cnet.com)

"Please read this before you buy Kodak"


It would be wasting to much time to complain about all things of this printer that make you be angry and sorry you bought it and want to through it out of the window. The most gruesome and devastating thing going on with me and this printer that to use...


The most ugliest thing is the ink issues

Mar 2015

Consumenten review (cnet.com)

"Others may have problems I actually love my printer!"


So far I have had this printer for about 6 months and had one paper jam. I have been able to print from my Asus TF201 Prime Transformer, my daughters Ipod Touch 5 and am sure I will be able to print from my Note II android phone too. I used to buy only...

Prints flawlessly & NO JAMS. Wireless printing, scanning, and faxing are easy. Our family business sells municipality accounting software and 3 of us have this printer.

That you cannot print just black if your color cartridge runs out.

Okt 2013

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