HP Photosmart Premium C410a

alaTest heeft 464 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor HP Photosmart Premium C410a. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.3/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over de connectiviteit. De vormgeving is ook indrukwekkend.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, prijs, prestaties, ruis, vormgeving

betrouwbaarheid, connectiviteit

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de HP Photosmart Premium C410a een alaScore™ van 84/100 = Zeer goed.

Review analyse

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Toont 1 - 318 van 464 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (amazon.com)

Amazon.com review summary for HP Photosmart Premium C410a


alaTest has collected and analyzed 308 user reviews of HP Photosmart Premium C410a from Amazon.com. The average user rating for this product is 3.2/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.8/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.com. People really like the design and noise. The performance and price are also appreciated. There are some less positive views about the durability and reliability.

usability, price, performance, noise, design

reliability, durability

61% of the reviews on Amazon.com give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Expert review door : Matt Elliott (cnet.com)

HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One (C410a) review: HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One (C410a)


HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One (C410a)

The ; delivers respectable output speed and strong print quality across text, graphics, and photo prints, and features like ePrint and AirPrint increase its utility.

The Photosmart Premium C410a's main paper tray can only hold 125 sheets, its status LCD is tiny, and the print apps are of questionable value.

The premium HP Photosmart C410a is a viable purchase option if you need all-in-one functionality and will take advantage of HP's wireless and Web printing technologies.

Mei 2011

Expert review door (cnet.com)

HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One ( C410a)


Design and features The HP Photosmart Premium C410a is of average size for a midgrade MFP, measuring 11.1 inches high, 18.4 inches wide, and 17.8 inches deep. It features one 125-sheet paper tray with a 20-sheet photo paper tray above it. In...

The HP Photosmart Premium C410a delivers respectable output speed and strong print quality across text, graphics, and photo prints, and features like ePrint and AirPrint increase its utility.

The Photosmart Premium C410a's main paper tray can only hold 125 sheets, its status LCD is tiny, and the print apps are of questionable value.

The premium HP Photosmart C410a is a viable purchase option if you need all-in-one functionality and will take advantage of HP's wireless and Web printing technologies.

Mei 2011

Expert review door : Matthew Elliott (cnet.com.au)

HP Photosmart Premium C410a


The premium HP Photosmart C410a is a viable purchase option if you need all-in-one functionality and will take advantage of HP's wireless and web printing technologies.

Delivers respectable output speed ; Strong print quality across text, graphics and photo prints ; Features like ePrint and AirPrint increase its utility

Main paper tray can only hold 125 sheets ; Its status LCD is tiny ; The print apps are of questionable value


Mei 2011

Expert review door : Matt Elliott (cnet.com.au)

HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One (C410a) review: HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One (C410a)


HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One (C410a)

The ; delivers respectable output speed and strong print quality across text, graphics, and photo prints, and features like ePrint and AirPrint increase its utility.

The Photosmart Premium C410a's main paper tray can only hold 125 sheets, its status LCD is tiny, and the print apps are of questionable value.

The premium HP Photosmart C410a is a viable purchase option if you need all-in-one functionality and will take advantage of HP's wireless and Web printing technologies.

Mei 2011

Expert review door (etechreviews.net)

HP Photosmart Premium C410a ? Considerable Low-Priced Inkjet Printer


The HP Photosmart Premium C410a enters the market as a printer that lies in between the very thin gap between an all-around, low-priced inkjet printer intended for common homes and a multifunction printer with capability of delivering high-volume...

Jun 2011

Expert review door : La Rédaction (cnetfrance.fr)

HP Photosmart Premium C410a


La Photosmart C410a est un choix valable si vous avez besoin des fonctionnalités d'un tout-en-un et comptez utiliser la connexion sans fil ainsi que les options d'impression en ligne.

Bac d'alimentation principal ne contient que 125 feuilles, tout petit écran LCD

Vitesse de sortie; bonne qualité d'impression des textes, photos et graphiques, compatibilité ePrint et AirPrint

La première permet d’envoyer une commande d’impression à distance depuis n’importe quel terminal (PC, smartphone…) grâce à l’adresse email uniquement attribuée à l’imprimante. La fonction AirPrint permet d’imprimer depuis un iPhone, iPad ou iPod en...

Jul 2011

Consumenten review (hp.com)

HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One Printer - C410a


I have had HP printers for many years. Usually for five or six years per printer. This one is the best yet! The print quality is simply amazing! I never expected a home printer to rival the prints I get from professional print companies, but this one...

Dec 2011

Consumenten review (hp.com)

HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One Printer - C410a


This Photosmart Premium (410A) relaced my old 970 CSE (12 years old) and my Photosmart D7260 (5 year old). Both printers went belly up 2 weeks ago. My D7260 was having issues not accepting the yellow (HP) ink cartridges. Tried several new ones at...

Dec 2011

Consumenten review (hp.com)

HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One Printer - C410a


This is the best printer I have ever owned. I am not the most technilogically advanced person (70 years old), but I found the machine easy to set up and use. The quality of the prints is great.

Dec 2011

Consumenten review (hp.com)

HP Photosmart Premium Fax e-All-in-One Printer - C410a


Hp does it again,this is the best hp printer on the market, If you own any other printer that's not a hp. you are getting cheated.This printer is the best.

Nov 2011

Vergelijk de prijzen voor HP Photosmart Premium C410a

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