Epson PictureMate Charm

Epson PictureMate Charm
alaScore 83

340 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 340 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Epson PictureMate Charm. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.2/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 84/100 en experts beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 80/100.

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Consumenten review ( review summary for Epson PictureMate Charm


alaTest has collected and analyzed 333 user reviews of Epson PictureMate Charm from The average user rating for this product is 4.2/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.8/5 for other products in the same category on

86% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Expert review door : Dan Havlik (

Review: Epson PictureMate Charm


Along with your lunch, you might want to consider bringing Epson's lunch pail-style photo printer, the PictureMate Charm, the next time you decide to work...

Fully charged battery can print up to 100 photos. Estimated 200-year print life when photos are stored in an album. Relatively low 25-cent cost per print

Can’t print from USB flash drives. Needs pricey battery and bag to be truly “portable.” Can only print up to 4×6-inch size

Aug 2010

Expert review door : M. David Stone (

Epson PictureMate Charm


The Epson PictureMate Charm combines fast speed, high-quality output, and a low cost per photo.

Fast. Low price per photo. High-quality 4- by 6-inch output. Long-lived photos.

Can't print from USB memory keys. Relatively big and heavy. ; Watch the Epson PictureMate Charm!

More Photo Printer Reviews: • Mitsubishi CP-D90DW• HP Sprocket Photo Printer• Epson SureColor P400• Canon imagePrograf PRO-1000• Canon Selphy CP1200 Wireless Compact Photo Printer• more

Okt 2009

Expert review door (

Best photo printer overall


Most reviewers say the PictureMate Charm offers the best combination of features, performance and print quality among snapshot printers. Professional reviewers give it top marks for photo quality, praising its clear, sharp lines and vibrant colors....

Excellent print quality, easy to set up and use, durable, long-lived photos, low cost per print

High up-front cost, heavy, cannot print from USB drive, battery and Bluetooth interface optional

Nov 2010

Expert review door : Sarah Meyer (

Epson PictureMate Charm review


Epson has unveiled several new additions to its PictureMate line of compact personal photo labs over the past few months including the Epson PictureMate Charm

Ease of use ; Quality photos ; Compact, good for travel

No USB flash drive compatibility ; A few paper jams

The Epson PictureMate Charm comes with a one-year limited warranty including the Epson Exchange program

Feb 2010

Expert review door (

Epson PictureMate Charm


Sometimes, you snap a photo that's so great you want it right now. Not one week from now as you wait for an online photo service to snail mail you your prints. Not later that evening when you get home and upload the photos to your computer. Not...

One note: The PictureMate Charm ships with a “starter pack,” which is only enough for about 20 prints. When you need to replace the ink cartridge and refill your paper supply, Epson offers the PictureMate Print Pack, which includes one ink cartridge...

Consumenten review (

bonne imprimante, pratique


J'ai personnellement pu testé cette imprimante parce que mon compagnon l'a acheté.

photos impimées très rapidemment et de bonne qualit

le prix du papier et des cartouches d'encre

Okt 2009

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