Hamilton Beach 33463

Hamilton Beach 33463
alaAverage 5

7 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 7 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Hamilton Beach 33463. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 5.0/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over de betrouwbaarheid. De prijs is ook indrukwekkend.

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Toont 1 - 7 van 7 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (newegg.com)

Great deal for the price


This cooker works as designed. The meals I have made in it so far have been exactly as expected. Heat control is good and the timer works perfectly. The crock part of the pot has a sturdy finish and cleans easily.

I am not sure how much of a limitation this is (it isn't one to me), but this cannot be run longer than 14 hours continuously--10 hours cooking (settable in 2 hour increments) and 4 hours warming. So if you wanted to leave this on continuously,...

Sep 2014

Consumenten review (newegg.com)

Great deal for the price


This cooker works as designed. The meals I have made in it so far have been exactly as expected. Heat control is good and the timer works perfectly. The crock part of the pot has a sturdy finish and cleans easily

I am not sure how much of a limitation this is (it isn't one to me), but this cannot be run longer than 14 hours continuously--10 hours cooking (settable in 2 hour increments) and 4 hours warming. So if you wanted to leave this on continuously,...

Sep 2014

Consumenten review (newegg.com)

Great deal for the price


This cooker works as designed. The meals I have made in it so far have been exactly as expected. Heat control is good and the timer works perfectly. The crock part of the pot has a sturdy finish and cleans easily.

I am not sure how much of a limitation this is (it isn't one to me), but this cannot be run longer than 14 hours continuously--10 hours cooking (settable in 2 hour increments) and 4 hours warming. So if you wanted to leave this on continuously,...

Sep 2014

Consumenten review (newegg.com)

Its a slow cooker


should of got an 8 quart unit.

Low price, nice looking, works as advertised and easy operating controls.


Feb 2014

Consumenten review (newegg.com)

Best slow cooker


i recommend this to couple of friends and they love it too

set it and forget it. This has the auto warm feature in case you go over the cook time. I usually set it head to the gym and then to school. When i get home food is ready to eat.

none so far.

Okt 2013

Consumenten review (newegg.com)

Best slow cooker


i recommend this to couple of friends and they love it too

set it and forget it. This has the auto warm feature in case you go over the cook time. I usually set it head to the gym and then to school. When i get home food is ready to eat.

none so far.

Okt 2013

Consumenten review (newegg.com)

whole family like it


slow cook pork, beef, beans very well. both low heat and high heat work good. The default setting with high temp and 4 hours is convenient for beginner. Overall very well design.

have to worry not to break or chip the glass lid and ceramic pot.

Sep 2013

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