Dell UltraSharp U3818DW

Dell UltraSharp U3818DW
alaScore 91

7 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 7 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Dell UltraSharp U3818DW. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.1/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen de afmetingen zeer.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, vormgeving, prijs, afmetingen

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Dell UltraSharp U3818DW een alaScore™ van 91/100 = Uitstekend.

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Expert review door : Matthew S. Smith (

Dell Ultrasharp U3818DW review


Sturdy build with VESA mount support ; Excellent controls ; Accurate color and wide color gamut ; Strong warranty ; Drastically undercuts its competitor’s price

Mediocre contrast ratio ; No FreeSync support

Big and beautiful, the Dell Ultrasharp U3818DW is an excellent professional-grade display. While contrast could be better, its excellent color accuracy, sharp picture, competitive price, and good warranty help it stand out against its main competitor,...

Expert review door : Lori Grunin (

Dell joins the 38-inch curved monitor club with UltraSharp 38


It does have a few perks that similar monitors don't.

Jun 2017

Expert review door : Adam Babcock , Simon Barbier, Yannick Khong (



The Dell Ultrasharp U3818DW is a good ultrawide IPS monitor with decent picture quality, low input lag, and decent motion handling. It is an impressive monitor for office use, with great screen real-estate and some impressive multitasking features,...

Image remains accurate when viewed at an angle ; Excellent out of the box accuracy ; Lots of screen real-estate great for multitasking

Noticeable ; caused by overshoot ; Blacks appear gray in a dark room

Okt 2018

Expert review door : Christian Eberle (

Dell U3818DW Curved Monitor Review


When LG released the first curved ultra-wide monitors back in 2014, they were squarely aimed at the general-use category. With no frame of reference, it was difficult to predict who would embrace the new format. While the products were initially met...

Accurate without calibration ; Flexible image controls ; Build quality, clear & sharp image ; Ideal pixel density ; Screen area ; 2300R curve

Contrast ; No DCI-P3 or Adobe RGB gamut options

If your applications require an accurate sRGB/Rec.709 monitor, the Dell U3818DW delivers excellent accuracy without calibration. After a few adjustments, it becomes an even more precise tool for graphic artists and photographers. With its 38” curved...

Nov 2017

Expert review door : CHIP Testcenter (

Dell UltraSharp U3818DW


Der Monitor Dell UltraSharp U3818DW erreicht im Test ein insgesamt überzeugendes Gesamtergebnis. Betrachtet man die Testkategorien Bildqualität und Ergonomie, können wir dem Gerät exzellente Ergebnisse bescheinigen. Im Test offenbart das Gerät keine...

Sehr gute Bildqualität ; Curved ; USB Type C

Kein Pivot

Sep 2017

Expert review door : Alberto Aprea (

Dell U3818DW: il primo UltraSharp da 38 pollici IPS e curvo


L'U3818DW ha una risoluzione particolare, un interessante pannello e punta ai professionisti.

Jun 2017

Expert review door : Thomas Ytterberg (

Dell U3818DW – 38-tumsskärm med fokus på bildkvalitet och färgåtergivning


Bredden och pixelmatrisen är poängen med Dells senaste skärm, men konsekvent färgkvalitet över ytan och vettiga funktioner gör U3818DW till något mer än enba...


HDMI-ingångarna klarar inte 4K

Mar 2018

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