WD TV Play

WD TV Play
alaScore 88

6 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 6 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor WD TV Play. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.4/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, vormgeving, prijs

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de WD TV Play een alaScore™ van 88/100 = Zeer goed.

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Expert review door : Michael Brown (digitaltrends.com)

WD TV Play review


When we connected it…and played a few movies and TV episodes, the video from Western Digital's box looked dull and washed out…

We suppose $70 is the right price for the WD TV Play, since it delivers 1080p video resolution plus the USB and Ethernet ports that the Roku 2 lacks for $10 less (Roku has two players with even lower price tags, but they’re both limited to 720p and are...

Feb 2013

Expert review door : Adrian Justins (techradar.com)

WD TV Play review


WD's answer to Apple TV is here

Low price ; Decent mix of online and network streaming ; Customisable interface

Flaky on-demand streaming ; Limited codec support ; Poor quality remote

The WD TV Play has a low price for a DLNA-compatible wireless box with access to a range of video on-demand and other streaming services. Although its interface is attractive and versatile, its flakiness when streaming online services and limited codec...

Jun 2013

Expert review door : Sascha Segan (pcmag.com)

WD TV Play


Western Digital's latest low-cost media hub, the WD TV Play, dabbles in many cord-cutting areas, but doesn't lead in any of them.

Can play both streaming and local media. Excellent configurable interface.

Doesn't offer as many streaming channels as Roku, or play as many local formats as WD's other products. Buggy.

Conclusions If you're looking to stream content off the Internet, the Roku boxes, including the $50 Roku LT ) , are a better bet than the WD TV Play; they have far more channels available, including professional sports, a better selection of movies,...

Mar 2013

Expert review door : Ty Pendlebury (cnet.com)

WD TV Play review


I have had a personal fondness for WD TV boxes since the release of the original streamer in late 2008. Each model has improved markedly on the last, and the newest WD TV Play is the best of the bunch.

The WD TV Play offers an improved interface and a greater selection of content than before. Setup is easy and the connection stayed solid during testing. The WD TV Play is one of the best values available in the market.

Missing some important apps, including Amazon Instant and live sports apps. The device couldn't playback all test videos despite listed compatibility. The gaming apps aren't very worthwhile.

The WD TV Play is the best alternative to Roku and Apple TV for viewers looking to access their personal media collection.

Feb 2013

Expert review door : Ty Pendlebury (cnet.co.uk)

WD TV Play review


I have had a personal fondness for WD TV boxes since the release of the original streamer in late 2008. Each model has improved markedly on the last, and the newest WD TV Play is the best of the bunch.

The WD TV Play offers an improved interface and a greater selection of content than before. Setup is easy and the connection stayed solid during testing. The WD TV Play is one of the best values available in the market.

Missing some important apps, including Amazon Instant and live sports apps. The device couldn't playback all test videos despite listed compatibility. The gaming apps aren't very worthwhile.

The WD TV Play is the best alternative to Roku and Apple TV for viewers looking to access their personal media collection.

Feb 2013

Expert review door (toptenreviews.com)

WD TV Play Review


At first glance, the WD TV Play won't exactly blow you away. It looks like any other media streaming box on the market and many of its features, on the surface, seem standard as well. However, as you dig deeper, you see it is multifunctional and has...

The WD TV Play offers many of the advantages you'd expect from home media servers. Since it doesn't have a built-in hard drive, it relies on computers on your home network for content and a USB external hard drive to store media, but it can directly...

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