Viewsonic NexTV VMP75 1080p Network Media Player

alaTest heeft 20 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Viewsonic NexTV VMP75 1080p Network Media Player. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 2.7/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar hebben twijfels over de betrouwbaarheid. De prijs is ook indrukwekkend.

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We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Viewsonic NexTV VMP75 1080p Network Media Player een alaScore™ van 80/100 = Zeer goed.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 20 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door : Michael Brown (

ViewSonic NexTV VMP75 Review


Given that ViewSonic's core business revolves around computer monitors and business-oriented video projectors, we weren't expecting all that much when we unboxed their NexTV VMP75 media streamer. Wow, did we ever underestimate.

ViewSonic's VMP75 comes with a fabulous remote, but if it doesn't float your boat, you can plug in a USB keyboard

Sep 2010

Consumenten review (

Not Bad, Could Be Better


I took my time reading network player reviews and specs online, and on NewEgg, for several weeks. I eventually settled on the VMP75. Keyword there; I -settled- on it. There are no perfect black boxes that offer proper clients for Hulu -and- Netflix in...

Supports Netflix category browsing based on "what you would like" as well as instant queue. Plays ISOs, MP4 and MPG. HDMI support. DVD ISO backups play just as if on a DVD player. Wifi works fine using the suggested Zonet wifi USB adapter. Much cheaper...

Could support a couple more mainstream media formats. Won't play Windows AVI and that's just odd to me considering most content on Windows is encoded into AVI when it's initially ripped or recorded. The CPU is annoyingly slow for the money. It takes a...

Feb 2011

Consumenten review (

Avoid Viewsonic at All Cost


Their response was to write back ANOTHER week later, with a 3-step solution for fixing my "Netflix problem." The solution had no bearing at all on the problem I had described 3 times over 3 weeks. Now I know where all those IT blockheads I've fired...

Netflix works fine. On the other hand, a cheaper, better Roku box will do that

Viewsonic's technical support is the worst I've ever encountered in 30 years of IT. The until would SEE every computer on my network, see the proper folder, but when told to list media, would invariably return "Network Connection Failed." I do networks...

Jan 2011

Consumenten review (

It sucks


got it 3 days, first 3 days no problem, day fourth, completely stop working. suckkk waste my time


Jan 2011

Consumenten review (

Pretty Good


Buy the Western Digital Box...

Viewsonic, Netflix

Internet a joke, You Tube no beuno...can't read the text size...nice super small search box that you can't read the text...slow loading...better off using a PC

Dec 2010

Consumenten review (

ViewSonic NexTV VMP75 1080p Network Media Player w/Netflix



Issues with picture various tvs - was fixed month or two later with new firmware ; Network shares not working ; UI a bit slow ; Should have returned it when I had the chance

Nov 2010

Consumenten review (

When It Works


would no buy again even though it is a VIEWSONIC, I worked in electronics field service for 17 years plus 2 years in technical support

great HD picture, ease of operation, wireless keyboard & mouse work fine


Okt 2010

Consumenten review (




These sorts of devices (consumer electronics) generally either work well, forever, or have some sort of hardware or software issue. If you're lucky and the company support their product then software issues can be fixed. Hardware issues through ... you...

Sep 2010

Consumenten review (

RMA twice so far


Very small footprint. It came with a HDMI cable. Easy setup. WiFi connect was easy

RMA'd the thing twice already. 1st one died after a day. 2nd one was DOA. Waiting on 3rd. No refund policy, only replacement where I bought it. Very hard to navigate the internet with only the remote. No place to enter user ID/Password for NAS server

Sep 2010

Consumenten review (

Awesome media player!


I have had this media player for about 3 weeks now and it is simply awesome. I love the fact that there are so many radio stations to choose from, it was perfect for a party for background music. I hooked this unit up to my router and it was able to...

Thousands of radio stations ; Easy network setup ; Internet browsing ; Netflix

bit hard to navigate web without keyboard

Aug 2010

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