Sandisk SDWS1-032G-E57 Connect Wireless

Sandisk SDWS1-032G-E57 Connect Wireless
alaScore 86

88 reviews

Mar 2025

Tip: Zie de beste prijzen voor Sandisk SDWS1-032G-E57 Connect Wireless bij alaTest's partner:

alaTest heeft 88 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Sandisk SDWS1-032G-E57 Connect Wireless. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.2/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen de vormgeving zeer.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, afmetingen, prijs, vormgeving

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Sandisk SDWS1-032G-E57 Connect Wireless een alaScore™ van 86/100 = Zeer goed.

Review analyse

(Gebaseerd op 88 reviews)

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Consumenten review ( review summary for Sandisk SDWS1-032G-E57 Connect Wireless


alaTest has collected and analyzed 30 user reviews of Sandisk SDWS1-032G-E57 Connect Wireless from The average user rating for this product is 4.6/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other products in the same category on Reviewers really like the price. The design is also mentioned favorably, whereas there are some mixed comments about the usability.

size, design, price

93% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Consumenten review (

Résumé des avis d’ sur Sandisk SDWS1-032G-E57 Connect Wireless


alaTest a collecté et analysé 49 avis de consommateurs sur pour le produit Sandisk SDWS1-032G-E57 Connect Wireless. La note moyenne du produit est 3.9 sur 5, tandis que les autres produits de même catégorie ont une note moyenne de 3.9 sur 5 sur

84% des avis sur donnent une note favorable à ce produit.

This summary is based on the products: Unité de stockage multimédia sans fil SanDisk Connect 32 Go (SDWS1-032G-E57)Unité de stockage multimédia sans fil SanDisk Connect 32 Go (SDWS1-032G-E57)

Mar 2025

Consumenten review (

So far so good


Only used once so far to transfer some photos from mobile device but very easy to use and will store some films soon for the children for holidays.

Jul 2015

Consumenten review (

So far so good


" Only used once so far to transfer some photos from mobile device but very easy to use and will store some films soon for the children for holidays. "

Jul 2015

Consumenten review (

Great item!!!


Would recommend this to anyone... perfect for long distance travelling!

Jul 2015

Consumenten review (

Great item!!!


" Would recommend this to anyone... perfect for long distance travelling! "

Jul 2015

Consumenten review (

Fulfilled expectations


This came at a great sale price. Pros: Easy to set up and works well. Good capacity and expansion potential Great battery life. Cons: Would have been nice to be able to use a USB stick as well as an SD card but no big deal.

Jul 2015

Consumenten review (

Fulfilled expectations


" This came at a great sale price. Pros: Easy to set up and works well. Good capacity and expansion potential Great battery life. Cons: Would have been nice to be able to use a USB stick as well as an SD card but no big deal. "

Jul 2015

Consumenten review (

Must have for Apple users


Got this to store music and films on to stream to iPhones and iPads. This does the job perfectly connects easy just download the app from the App Store and away you go

Apr 2015

Consumenten review (

Must have for Apple users


" Got this to store music and films on to stream to iPhones and iPads. This does the job perfectly connects easy just download the app from the App Store and away you go "

Apr 2015

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