Bryston BDP-1 Digital Player

Bryston BDP-1 Digital Player
alaScore 86

10 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 10 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Bryston BDP-1 Digital Player. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.0/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar hebben twijfels over de prijs. De betrouwbaarheid is ook indrukwekkend.

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We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Bryston BDP-1 Digital Player een alaScore™ van 86/100 = Zeer goed.

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Expert review door : What Hi-Fi? (

Bryston BDP-1 review


Paired with its BDA-1 DAC sibling, Bryston's BDP-1 music client is a formidable hi-fi media player

Impressive file compatibility ; handles 24Bit/192kHz playback ; easy to use ; solid build

No streaming ; no DAC ; no storage

Limited features aside, the BDP-1 is one of the few true hi-fi media players

Jun 2011

Expert review door : Jason Kennedy (

Bryston BDP-1 review


A music file player that doesn't stream, what's going on?

Makes playing music files easier than streaming ; Gives access to hi-res files with ease

The ability to stream would have added significant value

Feb 2011

Expert review door : Gene DellaSala (

Bryston BDP-1 High Resolution Digital Music Player First Look


said Tanner.

Okt 2010

Expert review door : Gene DellaSala (

Bryston BDP-1 High Resolution Digital Music Player Preview


Bryston introduced a new product category with their new BDP-1 digital music player which focuses on performance and ease of use. It even have networking functions to interface with an Apple IPad.

Okt 2010

Expert review door (

Bryston BDP-1 £2,200


A music file player that doesn’t stream, what's going on? Jason Kennedy examines the first in a new breed of transports

Makes playing music files easier than streaming and gives access to hi- res files with ease

The ability to stream would have added significant value

An interesting variation on the music file playing theme

Expert review door : Arlen Schweiger (

Hands On: Bryston BDP-1 Digital Player


The BDP-1 Digital Player delivers music files with drama, dimension and detail.

In 2012, the company had 154 Energy Star-qualified models.

Dec 2012

Expert review door : Suave Kajko (

Bryston BDP-1 Digital Player and BDA-1 DAC Review


The ways in which we enjoy music have changed rapidly during the last few years. The advent of the mp3 file format and portable digital music players revolutionized our ability to purchase and play music. Adding a new album to your music collection...

Nov 2012

Expert review door : Andre Marc (

The Bryston BDP-1 Revisited and a Q&A with James Tanner


I have reviewed several Bryston components, including the Bryston BDP-1 Digital File Player, which to this day, is the best single digital source I have heard in my home system and at various audio trade shows. I have seen the $2,200 BDP-1 used in...

Sep 2012

Expert review door : Andre Marc (

Bryston BDP-1 Digital File Player Review


Bryston's first two forays into digital source components, the BCD-1 CD player and the BDA-1 DAC , have been smashing successes, garnering rave reviews for sound, build quality, and overall value. Those products brought to the table what all other...

Aug 2011

Expert review door : Wirtualna Polska (

Bryston BDP-1 - test odtwarzacza cyfrowego


Odtwarzacz plików, który nie obsługuje streamingu? Co to ma znaczyć? Przyglądamy się przedstawicielowi nowej generacji transportów.

łatwiejsze odtwarzanie plików muzycznych niż w przypadku streamingu plus obsługa dźwięku wysokiej rozdzielczości

obsługa streamingu znacznie podniosłaby atrakcyjność tego urządzenia

Okt 2011

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