Bluesound Vault 2i

Bluesound Vault 2i
alaScore 89

13 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 13 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Bluesound Vault 2i. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.8/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het geluid zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over de betrouwbaarheid. Het gebruiksgemak is ook indrukwekkend.

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We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Bluesound Vault 2i een alaScore™ van 89/100 = Zeer goed.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 13 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door : Gordon Brockhouse (SoundStageSimplifi)

Bluesound Vault 2i CD Ripper-Server-Streamer


I think the fact that Lenbrook is calling this new series Generation 2i rather than Generation 3 is significant: The new products offer meaningful but not huge upgrades over Bluesound's Gen 2 models. Maybe the i stands for incremental . Bluesound's Gen...

Jan 2019

Expert review door : Reinhard Paprotka (

Bluesound Vault 2i & Node 2i im Test


Fürs Audio-Streaming stellt BluOS eine eigene Software-Plattform dar. Damit laufen neben Komponenten von NAD und DALI auch solche von Bluesound. Mit dem Server Vault 2i und dem Streamer Node 2i ist ein kompaktes Multiroom-System realisierbar. Lesen Sie...

BluOS-Streaming-Plattform (Vault 2i/Node 2i) ; flinke Reaktion (Vault 2i) ; sehr gute Klangeigenschaften (Vault 2i/Node 2i) ; günstiger Preis (Node 2i) ; arbeitet mit SMB-Netzwerk-Freigaben (Node 2i)

Stereoplay Gesamturteil für Bluesound Vault 2i: 84 Punkte; Klang: (24/192 / 24/96 / 16/44,1) 62/62/61 Punkte; Preis/Leistung: sehr gut; Stereoplay Gesamturteil für Bluesound Node 2i: 82 Punkte; Klang: (24/192 / 24/96 / 16/44,1) 62/62/61 Punkte;...

Nov 2019

Consumenten review (

Stylish and compact


Due to COVID 19, I bought this over email and phonecalls from Paul at Richer, Manchester. He was very helpful. The order came within 24 hours. I had several teething troubles connecting to my router which Paul tried to help with. Once he couldn't he...

Mar 2021

Consumenten review (

BluOS kit to move us into C21


The Vault and speakers have taken us into wifi, streaming world with the upload of our CDs ongoing. Speaker sound is great and installation fairly easy.

Jan 2021

Consumenten review (

a piece of tec that works


Bought the vault to sort my cd collection and while still loading a/b cd's only one has come up as unrecognisable( haven't figured out how to fix yet). sound wise spotify sounds better than ever and cd's as good if not better than my arcam cds25. the...

Dec 2020

Consumenten review (

Great piece of kit


I was slightly concerned that the app to run this would be less than ideal as some reviews have commented .I have found it an absolute piece of cake to use straight out of the box with great sound .Thanks to Bradley at the Plymouth store .

Dec 2020

Consumenten review (

Brillant piece of kit,very impressed!


I bought this Vault to replace my old and 'flaky' Cocktail Audio cd ripper, which I have used for a number of years. The Bluesound VAULT 2I is well and truly a big upgrade and understandably very much updated in comparison due to change in technology...

Dec 2020

Consumenten review (



Surprising sounds stage, opened, and detailed. Easy to use.

Aug 2020

Consumenten review (

Great device but let down by software interface


I bought this to load all my CDs onto and to stream from my Spotify account. The sound is great and the storage is massive even with FLAC. The challenge is the BluOS software which takes some getting used to and isn't as intuitive as I expected...

Mei 2020

Consumenten review (

Very fast CD ripping and good sound


I bought this to digitise my CD collection. The write ups gave it an excellent review, in particular the options for CD ripping. It is also readable by my Sonos system. The slight con from the reviews was the overall price; but in relation to ripping...

Jan 2020

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