Samsung Galaxy Buds 3

alaTest heeft 20 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Samsung Galaxy Buds 3. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 2.9/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere Koptelefoons. Reviewers waarderen het geluid zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over het gebruiksgemak. De afmetingen is ook indrukwekkend.

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We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Koptelefoons krijgt de Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 een alaScore™ van 92/100 = Uitstekend.

Review analyse

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Zusammenfassung der Kundenbewertungen für Samsung Galaxy Buds 3


alaTest hat 10 Kundenbewertungen für Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 von zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 2.3/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 3.9/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie Kopfhörer auf Am positivsten ist den Testern der Klang und die Bedienbarkeit aufgefallen, auch die Portabilität wird gelobt.

Klang, Größe, Portabilität, Bedienbarkeit

40% der Kundenmeinungen auf bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

This summary is based on the products: Samsung AEP433 Stereo-Headset (Klinke 3,5mm) schwarzSamsung AEP433 Stereo-Headset (Klinke 3,5mm) schwarz

Mar 2025

Expert review door : Christian de Looper (

Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 Review


Good design and controls ; Competent noise cancellation ; Weather-resistant build

Weak high-frequency detail ; Middling battery life

Samsung's noise-cancelling Galaxy Buds 3 are more comfortable and easier to control than previous models, though their high-frequency response and battery life could be better.

Aug 2024

Expert review door : Parker Hall (

Samsung Galaxy Buds3


Samsung's third-generation earbuds copy Apple's dated plastic-tipped design, cost more, and have shoddy noisecanceling.

Silver is cool. Auto-pause feature works well, as do the microphones on calls. Right and left earbuds are well labeled.

Expensive. Hurt my ears after an hour of use. Hard plastic and the lack of ear tips cause sound to leak to and from headphones. Noise canceling doesn't make up for imperfect seal. Exaggerated bass. AI tools are mostly useless.

Jul 2024

Expert review door : Preslav Kateliev (

Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 Pro review: a massive rework


The Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 Pro are... not what we expected. With a redesign, retuning of the sound profile, and new form of connectivity — they are closer to the AirPods Pro. But is that a bad thing?

Great fit and feel ; Good sound, detailed EQ for fine-tuning ; Quick switch between Samsung devices ; Great controls with the stems

No advancements in battery life ; ANC is oddly not as good as before

Aug 2024

Expert review door : which_co_uk (

Samsung Galaxy Buds3

  (Cijfer Verborgen)

The Samsung Galaxy Buds3 are a direct successor to the Galaxy Buds2, with a different design and improved water resistance. But are they really an improvement on the previous generation and worth the entry price? We sent these headphones to the Which?...

Dec 2024

Expert review door : Antoine Engels (

I Reviewed the Galaxy Buds 3 and its Design Totally Ruined its Good Performance


The Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 are a very good pair of wireless headphones but its design spoils everything. I'll tell you more in this review.

IP57 certification ; Efficient touch and haptic controls ; Good battery life & wireless charging

Poor fit in the ears ; Poor fit affected the audio quality ; Ineffective ANC ; Hi-Res audio reserved for new Samsung devices

Would I recommend you buy the Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 for $179.99? No. I hesitated a lot before rating these wireless earbuds. The open-ear format didn't suit my ears at all. The earbud kept on dislodging and this greatly affected the audio quality as...

Sep 2024

Expert review door : Mehtab Ansari (smartprix_com)

Samsung Galaxy Buds3 Pro Review: Looking Beyond the Design


Samsung did a major revamp with the Galaxy Buds3 Pro, especially when it comes to the design. And yes, there's been a lot of buzz—both good and bad—about this new look. But let's not get stuck on just the aesthetics because, beyond the design, Samsung...

Punchy and deep bass ; Customizable sound with 9-band EQ ; Solid ANC ; Comfortable fit ; Responsive controls ; Wireless charging support ; Solid microphone quality ; Compatible with both iOS and Android ; IP67 water and dust resistance

Sound: 9/10

Aug 2024

Expert review door : Dua Rashid (

Galaxy Buds 3 Review: You're Better Off With the Pros


Review | Looking at the leap just a $70 difference is making in terms of value, the Galaxy Buds 3 Pros are the wiser option here.

Blade edges make it easier to navigate ; Low-end is surprisingly pretty impressive ; Supports wireless charging ; IP57 water and sweat rated

Blade's underside design make the buds difficult to dock ; ANC is not very efficient ; Treble could use some improvement ; Volume controls are not intuitively thought out

Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 If the ANC was better, these could have stood a chance.

Jul 2024

Expert review door : Antoine Engels (nextpit_de)

Galaxy Buds 3 im Test: Wenn Design die gute Leistung völlig zerstört


Samsungs Galaxy Buds 3 sind sehr gute kabellose Kopfhörer. Aber das Design macht alles ein wenig kaputt. Alles weitere gibt's in diesem ausführlichen Test.

IP57-zertifiziert ; Effektive Touch- und Haptik-Steuerung ; Gute Akkulaufzeit + kabelloses Aufladen

Schlechte Haltung in den Ohren ; Schlechter Sitz beeinträchtigt die Audioqualität ; ANC ineffizient ; Hi-Res-Audio nur für neuere Samsung-Geräte geeignet

Sollte ich Euch empfehlen, die Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 für 179 Euro zu kaufen? Nein.

Sep 2024

Expert review door : (

Recensione Samsung Galaxy Buds3 Pro, suono al TOP, AI da rivedere


Abbiamo provato le nuove Galaxy Buds3 Pro di Samsung, ecco come si comportano

Comode e leggere ; Ottima qualità del suono ; Controlli touch molto precisi e ergonomici ; Modalità ambient molto efficace

Cancellazione del rumore non al top ; Prezzo importante ; Rimuovere gli adattatori è un'impresa

Ma quindi in fin dei conti queste Buds3 Pro sono da acquistare? Prima di rispondere a questa domanda occorre fare un paio di considerazioni. La prima è di natura soggettiva: il cambiamento più grande in questa generazione di cuffiette TWS di Samsung è...

Aug 2024

Expert review door : Petri Tapala (

Arvostelussa Samsung Galaxy Buds3 Pro: raikkaasti uudistuneet kuulokkeet puhtaalla äänellä


Samsung on uudistanut Galaxy Buds3 -sarjassa täyslangattomia nappikuulokkeitaan merkittävästi. Muotoilultaan ne ovat nyt lähempänä kilpailijoitaan, mu

Aug 2024

Vergelijk de prijzen voor Samsung Galaxy Buds 3

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