Onkyo ES-HF300

Onkyo ES-HF300
alaScore 85

45 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 45 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Onkyo ES-HF300. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.0/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere Koptelefoons. Reviewers waarderen het geluid zeer.

afwerking, gebruiksvriendelijkheid, vormgeving, geluidskwaliteit

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Koptelefoons krijgt de Onkyo ES-HF300 een alaScore™ van 85/100 = Zeer goed.

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Consumenten review (amazon.de)

Zusammenfassung der Amazon.de- Kundenbewertungen für Onkyo ES-HF300


alaTest hat 22 Kundenbewertungen für Onkyo ES-HF300 von Amazon.de zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 3.6/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 3.9/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie Kopfhörer auf Amazon.de. Am positivsten ist den Testern der Klang und die Bedienbarkeit aufgefallen, die Verarbeitungsqualität wird auch positiv bewertet.

Verarbeitungsqualität, Bedienbarkeit, Klang

77% der Kundenmeinungen auf Amazon.de bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

This summary is based on the products: Onkyo ES-HF300 (S) HiFi-Kopfhörer (austauschbares hochreines 6N-Kupferkabel, Breitband-Titantreiber) schwarzOnkyo ES-HF300 (S) HiFi-Kopfhörer (austauschbares hochreines 6N-Kupferkabel, Breitband-Titantreiber) schwarz

Mar 2025

Expert review door : Trusted Reviews (trustedreviews.com)

Onkyo ES-HF300


Onkyo's first headphones combine power and class.

Good-looking, Great mids and treble, Removable cable

Bass spike

Mei 2013

Expert review door : Richard Melville (t3.com)

Onkyo ES-HF300 review


Are the affordable Onkyo ES-HF300 hi-fi headphones a rival for Beats Solo?

Rugged build ; Detailed sound ; Stylish design

No inline remote

Apr 2013

Expert review door (whathifi.com)

Onkyo ES-HF300


Easygoing and comfortable to listen to, Onkyo's debut headphones are well worth an audition

Detailed midrange and treble ; Easy to listen to for long sessions ; Nice design and build ; Comfy

Tubby bass needs more precision

The only thing holding these Onkyo headphones back from a five-star full-house is that slightly louche quality to the bass.

Expert review door : Wayde Robson (audioholics.com)

Onkyo ES-HF300 On-Ear Headphones Review


Review: Onkyo ES-HF300 On-Ear Headphones features 40mm, dual ported titanium drivers. Sound quality and comfort from the brand known for its rugged receivers? Read on to find out.

Portable, easy storage, low power requirements - perfect for mobile devices ; Warm, easygoing sound for music ; Bass delivers but thankfully not too overboard ; At $179 one of the best buys in personal hi-fi

While not "noise cancelling", closed-back design's acoustic isolation could be troubling while on a walk ; Bass can be overwhelming if you're not inclined to enjoy a bit of boom ; Over ear design fits snugly, the large headed among us might find them...

Dec 2013

Expert review door : Benny Har-Even (homecinemachoice.com)

Onkyo ES-HF300 review


Bucking the trend of much of the tech industry, the headphone market has seen a stellar rise in recent years and everyone wants a piece of the pie. No surprise, then, that AV receiver supremo Onkyo has joined the fray.

Aug 2013

Expert review door : Ian Morris (pocket-lint.com)

Onkyo ES-HF300


Onkyo is a brand that's very much known for being good value. It certainly changed AV receivers, offering a lot more features than most, at bargain prices. What's more, its cheaper receivers have always performed brilliantly, meaning that you don't...

Look great, sound fantastic, well priced considering their performance

Expensive replacement cable, headphone cable too short for hi-fi and TV listening at home

There's nothing not to like here, besides perhaps the £180 price tag. But given that most headphones cost about that, and most have significantly less prowess than the HF300s, we don't think that price is too much to ask. Of course, that decisions is...

Mei 2013

Expert review door : Hunter Skipworth (pocket-lint.com)

Onkyo ES-HF300 headphones pictures and hands-on - Pocket-lint


Onkyo has entered into the headphone market with the ES-HF300 and near identical ES-FC300. The only difference between the two is the lack of a premium

Jan 2013

Expert review door : Clint DeBoer (audioholics.com)

Onkyo ES-HF300 and ES-FC300 Headphones Preview


Onkyo surprised us by introducing of new array of headphones at the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show. The headphones are built to deliver "component-quality sound" but in a portable form-factor.

Jan 2013

Expert review door : Stephen Hornbrook (hometheaterhifi.com)

Onkyo ES-HF300 On-Ear Headphones


Onkyo ES-HF300 Headphones

Aug 2013

Expert review door : Andrew Harrison (techadvisor.co.uk)

Onkyo ES-HF300 review


Construction, and some design ideas, is similar to the Audio-Technical reviewed here. We find deep bass reproduction promised by another dual-chamber arrangement. And similarly, they won't entirely guard your musical taste from being shared on a...

We found lots to like in the ES-HF300 headphones, starting with their good insight into the music mix, and low scope that didn't drown out everything above. Like many far-eastern voiced headphones, they have a crisp, trebly quality that throws the...

Jul 2013

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