Marshall Major V

Marshall Major V
alaScore 92

5 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 5 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Marshall Major V. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.6/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere Koptelefoons. Gebruikers waarderen het geluid zeer.

vormgeving, draagbaarheid, geluidskwaliteit, prijs

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Koptelefoons krijgt de Marshall Major V een alaScore™ van 92/100 = Uitstekend.

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Expert review door (

Marshall Major V review: minor improvements


Marshall's headphones are back with some tweaks

Superb battery life ; Lovely classic design ; Good value

Not much different to Major IV ; No noise cancelling (because they're on-ear)

Marshall has made some welcome tweaks to its on-ear headphones. So while they're not designed for upgraders, they're a great first-time buy for those not wanting to spend a fortune on some effective headphones.

Jul 2024

Expert review door : which_co_uk (

Marshall Major V

  (Cijfer Verborgen)

The Marshall Major V are Bluetooth wireless, on-ear headphones that replaced the previous-generation Major IV product. But how do they sound, are they comfortable to wear and what's the build quality like? Also how long does the battery last? The...

Dec 2024

Expert review door : Divya Bhati (indiatoday)

Marshall Major V review: Rich audio, comfortable design, and long battery life


The Marshall Major V offers the signature Marshall sound — treble emphasised and mids highlighted — along with long battery life and compact design. It sure lacks a few features but still at its price point, because of its sound quality, it is a good...

Sound ; Battery Life ; Design ; Controls

No ANC ; Lacks some smart features

However, if you love bass heavy songs or noise cancellation is something you specifically want in your headphones — especially after spending this much — then you might want to consider other options. The major appeal of the Marshall V is in the sound...

Feb 2025

Expert review door : Roland Udvarlaki (

Marshall Major V review: The balanced battery champ


The Marshall Major V could be your next go-to wireless headphones if you're looking for simplicity, battery, and style

Rich bass and clear highs ; Superb battery life ; Light and foldable design ; Supports wired and wireless listening

No active noise cancelation ; No case or pouch provided in the box ; Uncomfortable when wearing glasses

With a retail price of $150, the Marshall Major V might be a bit steep for some, but I recommend it easily. It provides excellent value for the money, delivering crisp and well-balanced audio with comfortable earcups — as long as you don’t wear glasses.

Jun 2024

Expert review door : Tristan Jacquel (

Test du Marshall Major V : look et confort irrésistibles pour ce casque au son bien trempé


Pour le cinquième millésime de son iconique casque nomade, Marshall en a revu l'esthétique sonore et amélioré considérablement l'autonomie. Le nouveau son du Major est bien rock et brut de décoffrage, mais il souffre de quelques défauts. On vous...

L’inimitable look Marshall ; Qualité de fabrication ; Confort de port ; Autonomie proche de 100 h ; Recharge sans fil possible ; Son rock, mais…

Mise en avant excessive du haut-médium ; Coloration marquée et voix pincées ; Marge dynamique moyenne ; Choix des bandes de fréquences de l’égaliseur ; Pas de réduction de bruit active ; Pas de détection de port

Le Marshall Major V est un ravissant casque compact, qui cumule les atouts, mais n’est pas exempt de défauts. Outre son look ravageur, sa principale qualité repose sur son confort moelleux. L’autonomie qui pointe à presque 100 heures est elle aussi...

Jun 2024

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