Sunbeam Cafe Espresso Stainless

alaTest heeft 55 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Sunbeam Cafe Espresso Stainless. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.0/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over de afwerking. De prestaties is ook indrukwekkend.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, prijs, afmetingen, prestaties

ruis, afwerking

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Sunbeam Cafe Espresso Stainless een alaScore™ van 83/100 = Zeer goed.

Review analyse

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Toont 1 - 10 van 55 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Makes a good cup of coffee for the price.


I'm a picky coffee drinker, having access to nespressos and commercial machines at work. EM3800 makes a decent cup of coffee, obviously no where near the top end in terms of flavor extraction but quite acceptable for a weekend morning. Easy to use and...

Jul 2017

Consumenten review (

Great Machine


Weve had one of these EM3800 for approx 4 years and it has been great.Gets used everyday. Never missed a beat. Has just started to leak at brew head. Seal to replace it was $6.50 from appliances r us. Highly reccomend it.Never had anyone complain about...

Sep 2016

Consumenten review (

Great flavoured coffee


Absolutely wrapped with this machine. Have only had it a short while, so still learning the art of coffee making. But so fatal very happy with the coffees I've made from it. It runs quieter than I expected from a machine, pretty straightforward to use,...

Jan 2016

Consumenten review (

It Was Good For 6 Months (EM3820) MODEL


But now it has started leaking water. When you turn the machine dial to 'coffee' it just makes a noise & leaks; if you turn the machine to 'STEAM' it just shoots out loads of water & doesn't steam. It also leaks all of its water. I have to have my 3-4...

Dec 2015

Consumenten review (

Leaked Water from New


The Sunbeam Cafe Espresso EM3800 leaked water from new. It leaks about 50 ml of water when you first turn it on, and 20 ml each cup you make. The water leaks down the back into the bottom catch tray. Accordingly I do not recommend buying the Sunbeam...

Sep 2015

Consumenten review (

only last 13 months


I bought this machine last year in June. But it finally stopped working last week. The milk frother has not been working properly for several month actually. When i bought this, i expected this machine would work for two years. Sadly, it did not last...

milk-frother pump out water instead of steam.

Jul 2014

Consumenten review (

Great Coffee


I bought this machine about 8 months ago and it makes anywhere between 2 -8 cups per day. It took me awhile to find a coffee I liked but the machine has been faultless (touch wood). I don't use the milk frother mechanism as I have an automatic one, but...

Quick, easy to use and most of all, easy to clean.

Jun 2014

Consumenten review (

Decent machine for the price


warranty. Now after 3 years of use it's blown, the pc board was faulty. Disappointed. I would have expected it to last a bit longer at least!

Easy to use, decent coffee

Faulty (had to be replaced twice and completely gone after 3 years), a little noisy, overheats

Feb 2014

Consumenten review (

Decent machine for the price


We got this machine as a present and found it makes a decent cup of coffee for home brewers. Nothing like a barista quality coffee but pretty good. However a few negatives, the crema wasn't very creamy, but more frothy and while the frother worked OK...

Easy to use, decent coffee

Faulty (had to be replaced twice and completely gone after 3 years), a little noisy, overheats

Feb 2014

Consumenten review (

Great machine


We have had this machine at work for the past 6 years and makes 10-15 cups a day. Other than a new seal it still works great. We actually recently upgraded to a EM4820 but it only lasted 6 months! So out came the old Em3800 still working great as usual!


Jan 2014

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