Saeco Vienna

alaTest heeft 186 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Saeco Vienna. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.8/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over de ruis. De afwerking is ook indrukwekkend.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, prijs, prestaties, afwerking

afmetingen, ruis

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Saeco Vienna een alaScore™ van 82/100 = Zeer goed.

Review analyse

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Consumenten review ( review summary for Saeco Vienna


alaTest has collected and analyzed 172 user reviews of Saeco Vienna from The average user rating for this product is 3.8/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.0/5 for other products in the same category on Comments about the durability and performance are on the whole positive. The maintenance and price are also appreciated. There are some less positive views about the noise, while there are some mixed views about the capacity and size.

usability, price, maintenance, performance, durability


77% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Feb 2025

Consumenten review (

Easy, decent coffee, but should be built better


I have owned two of these, one as a replacement after the first one fell off a shelf. They were my first super automatic machines, and did what they were advertised to do--make decent espresso and espresso drinks from beans with little fuss. The...

I have owned two of these, one as a replacement after the first one fell off a shelf. They were my first super automatic machines, and did what they were advertised to do--make decent espresso and espresso drinks from beans with little fuss. The...

I have owned two of these, one as a replacement after the first one fell off a shelf. They were my first super automatic machines, and did what they were advertised to do--make decent espresso and espresso drinks from beans with little fuss. The...

Jan 2010

Consumenten review (

Not bad for a cheap superautomatic. Better coffee than the other angle piss they serve in the office.


My office has had a Saeco Vienna Superautomatic for which they charge $0.25/cup and provide everything but real milk. A large number of people prefer the coffee from this machine to the very weak stuff delivered in a thermos by some local shop (also...

One-button operation ; Makes "regular coffee" too ; Workhorse

Somewhat sour espresso ; Steam doesn't always work

Dec 2009

Consumenten review (

This is a good machine for every day use with lighter roasted beans.


I purchased the Saeco Vienna in 2003 and used it several times a day for the first two years with no problems. The video that comes with it helps with understanding how it works. After the second year, I ran into a problem with the grinder timing...

Very easy to use with just one-button operation for espresso with consistent results ; Very easy to clean and maintain

Sometimes a bit noisy, and too many plastic parts ; Wait between espresso and steaming ; No bypass doser on this model ; Oily beans may cause the grounds to get stuck in the chute between the grinder and brew group

Jul 2006

Consumenten review (

A consistent shot with good frothing. I would suggest this machine for the newbi.


My wife calls me a espresso snob and I have to agree. I spent two years in Le Mans France and grew to have a strong addiction to a good pulled shot and cap. With caffeine as my drug of choice, I want perfection when it comes to espresso and caps. I...

Easy to use with streight forward opetation. Delivers a consistent shot with a good thick creme and a good heat point. Atractive unit

All ABS body, stationary bean hopper, no cup warmer

Mei 2005

Consumenten review (

Good espresso at a quick turn around


I am new to all of the wonders of coffee and the thrill of creating espresso and other coffee beverages. I am happy to say that if it was not for coffeegeek I would be lost, or still drinking stale coffee. Oh never to go back to those days. I want...

Quick espresso and good foam and steamed milk. Easy to use and nice looking on the counter top. Produces cup after cup of quality espresso and other espresso beverages

You would have trouble creating cremma art work, but if this is not your "thing" go for the machine

Jan 2005

Consumenten review (

No more mess in the kitchen! Descent coffee after some experimentation with the adjustments.


Best price at, paid $415. I prefered a grinding setting of 8 and about 1.25 onces of coffee for lattes and caps. Forget about the "golden rule of 20 - 25 sec brewing cycle", it does not work with this machine. When adjusting the...

Least expensive superautomatic machine on the market. Easy to use once you figure out what settings to use. Good frothing capability. Good product support via Saeco 800 number

Somewhat dissapointed with the brittle plastic. Requires a good amount of counter space. Coffee dispenser knob is somewhat tricky to use

Jun 2004

Consumenten review (

Great espresso in a hurry!


The Saeco Vienna is an easy-to-use automatic espresso machine. Every cup of espresso, including the first has been great. I have found the quality of this product to be very good. Some of the plastic parts may not be as sturdy as the more expensive...

Easy to use ; Great espresso ; Good steaming capabilities ; Quick, easy maintenance

I'm spoiled - I can no longer drink drip coffee

Apr 2004

Consumenten review (

Choose another manufacturer.


Bought the machine for Christmas looking forward to fresh ground beans turned into mothers milk with little or no fuss. Little did I know the disappointment I was in for. The machine did not work from the very beginning. Everytime I tried to brew...

I have to seach my non-caffinated brain very hard for something postive to say about this machine, Oh I thought of something, how about this. The machine looks very attractive sitting on the counter, just like a potted plant and it makes the same...

Poorly made

Apr 2004

Consumenten review (

The most inexpensive automatic I could find, but it's a great machine!


At first, I was going to buy the Silvia. Can't go wrong, right? Right. But, I started thinking about how I would use my machine. I understand the art of espresso, I just don't normally have the time for it. With the Vienna, it's all automatic. ...

The Vienna is very easy to use, and easy to clean. I am always on the run, especially on my way to work. I hit a couple of buttons, and I'm drinking joe in a jiffy

The Vienna looks like a big plastic coffee maker. Ok, so that's what it basically is, but I like the chrome cool-looking jobbers. Too plain, if you ask me. Would be nice to have a cup warmer, also

Dec 2002

Consumenten review (

Good for someone starting out who does not want to have to learn the art of pulling shots.


I have had my machine for almost a year, and have been very pleased.

Easy to set up and use for newbie. Consistent results

Frother wand is too low. Noisy when first turned on. Cup warmer would be a nice addition

Sep 2002

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