Nespresso Pixie and Aeroccino Plus Milk Frother Set, Titanium

alaTest heeft 40 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Nespresso Pixie and Aeroccino Plus Milk Frother Set, Titanium. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.8/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, prestaties, ruis, afmetingen

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Nespresso Pixie and Aeroccino Plus Milk Frother Set, Titanium een alaScore™ van 87/100 = Zeer goed.

Review analyse

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Toont 1 - 10 van 40 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Love Our Nespresso


This is our second Nespresso (first one lasted 7 years) and we love it! Super easy to use, small profile, and makes amazing lattes. The separate frother is a bit of a pain as you need to store, but I didn't want to give all the counter space to the...

Feb 2016

Consumenten review (

Nespresso ® Pixie Titan Bundle A+C60-US-TI-NE


I am very happy with my new machine. It's noisy, and a notice about the noise should be included in the literature.\nI would not have bought it at C&B, however without the free shipping.

Feb 2016

Consumenten review (

Nespresso addict


We got this machine after living in Paris for a year, where they are de rigueur in every household. Had mine for 4 years, making amazing great coffee every day, easy to use, nice and compact, and a very dependable little machine. Also, if you are not...

Aug 2015

Consumenten review (

Nespresso ® Pixie Titan Bundle A+C60-US-TI-NE

Mei 2015

Consumenten review (

Love this!!


I received this set several years ago and I use it every day!! Makes perfect coffee, and espresso drinks!

Mei 2015

Consumenten review (

A dream come true


I've stayed in hotels that have a Nespresso and never dreamed I'd own one because of the price. But, I decided to splurge because a) I was growing tired of K-cups and b) Life is too short to not have a Nespresso. The unit is pretty tiny, so it's nice...

Mar 2015

Consumenten review (



I debated this purchase for years and now I'm so glad I took the plunge! You cannot get a better tasting espresso at home, as far as I can tell. The single shots are meant to be very short, so I always use more than one. Something to consider as you...

Mar 2015

Consumenten review (

Great product and quality


Nespresso is one of the best coffee brands in the world. Even though, ordering special types of coffee can be expensive, but for coffee loves, it definitely is worth it. I got the product from my wedding registry. The machine comes with two packs of...

Nov 2014

Consumenten review (

Great machine


Initially we got the Keurig as a wedding gift. We exchanged it for this and my husband is thrilled. The machine is fast, easy to use, easy clean-up, and the milk frother makes the most creamy, perfect steamed milk! This machine is used all over Europe...

Okt 2014

Consumenten review (

Greatest housewarming gift


First of all, I love buying housewares gifts at Crate & Barrel. I think you do so many things well from product selection, to merchandising to theme to branding to wrapping & customizing your boxes to making the shopping experience completely easy &...

Aug 2014

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