Morphy Cream Splash of Colour Coffee Machine

alaTest heeft 15 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Morphy Cream Splash of Colour Coffee Machine. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.6/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen de vormgeving zeer.

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We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Morphy Cream Splash of Colour Coffee Machine een alaScore™ van 82/100 = Zeer goed.

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Consumenten review (

Morphy Cream Splash of Colour Coffee Machine


Makes from 2cup/1 mug up to 12 cup/6 mugs good tasting coffee with no fuss at all. I keep mine in the bedroom and use the timer function to make coffee first thing in the morning. Perfect every time. I use paper filters rather than the re-usable filter...

I find the digital timer figures - particularly the am/pm - could be easier to see. A very very minor gripe though.

Mar 2009

Consumenten review (

Morphy Cream Splash of Colour Coffee Machine


great value quick and easy to use

Feb 2009

Consumenten review (

Morphy Cream Splash of Colour Coffee Machine


it looks great and is very easy to use and clean

Only thing is that it turns itself off after 2 hours, would prefer this to be longer period of time, but thats all.

Feb 2009

Consumenten review (

Morphy Cream Splash of Colour Coffee Machine


Keeps coffee warmer than previously used models

slightly narrow filler area for elderly people

Feb 2009

Consumenten review (

Morphy Cream Splash of Colour Coffee Machine


Good size jug, easy to use, makes great coffee

Feb 2009

Consumenten review (

Morphy Cream Splash of Colour Coffee Machine


easy to use and clean,stylish looks, and value for money.

only bad point is it goes off after two hrs and the coffee goes cold,so only make what you can drink in the two hrs!

Feb 2009

Consumenten review (

Morphy Cream Splash of Colour Coffee Machine


It's just as I would expect Thers's no reason for it to have no good points

A bit awkward ty fill with water but not to much to complain about

Feb 2009

Consumenten review (

Morphy Cream Splash of Colour Coffee Machine


Easy to use and clean. loos smart and matches toaster and kettle.

None really

Feb 2009

Consumenten review (

Morphy Cream Splash of Colour Coffee Machine


canbe timed to go on

turns off after 2 hours

Feb 2009

Consumenten review (

Morphy Cream Splash of Colour Coffee Machine


Well designed, easy to use. The timer function is very good as is the hot plate.

The coffee does not come out as hot as I'd like, even if you put in boiling water. It does however heat up a little on the hot plate.

Jan 2009

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