Melitta MES1

alaTest heeft 7 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Melitta MES1. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.4/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar hebben twijfels over de prijs. De betrouwbaarheid is ook indrukwekkend.

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Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 68/100.

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Toont 1 - 7 van 7 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

If you love good coffee but are not a snob, this is a great cost-effective system.


I use Buzzworthy, the strongest, but you can choose weaker and flavored varieties. Other varietites include vanilla and hazelnut. Don't pay a penny for it. You get it for free online or advertised on TV, and they send you two boxes of pods per month...

Different strengths and flavors for those who have different tastes in the house ; It's FREE if you sign up for their convenient mail service ; Coffee much better than standard drip coffee

If you want espresso or my favorite, Turkish coffee, you won't get it here ; You are limited to the six strengths and flavors available from Melitta. Other pods do't taste good in this machine

Sep 2005

Consumenten review (

It's a great machine for a college student, or someone who likes to dump in the coffee creamer and artificial sweetener, but doesn't truely appreciate


This is actually a review of both the Melitta 1 and 1 as well as the JV BY SALTON POD COFFEE MAKER - JVPM1B. Both machines are manufactured by Salton, the "As seen on TV" people. The JV could be called the Melitta version 2.0. It has a larger water...

This machine is super easy to use. It's nice looking, and it works great

The quality of the coffee... not so good. It's "alright". I would say it's a great machine for a college student, or someone who likes to dump in the coffee creamer and artificial sweetener, but doesn't truely appreciate coffee ; The locking mechanism...

Jul 2005

Consumenten review (

Make the coffee better and you might have an affordable sleek coffee house style coffee maker in your very own home!!!!!


You love coffee, then you walk into a store and this wonderful sleek new product catches your eye. Naturally you pick it up. The packaging and descriptions lead you to believe this is a wonderful concept for brewing coffee. Seeing as espresso is now...

Sleek, Easy to use, Great concept, Reliable, Designed to last

Weak coffee, poor tea, overall a let down of an end product

Jul 2005

Consumenten review (

Slight convenience edge is not overcome by coffee weakness and dull flavor extraction. Not for those who prefer a robust cup.


I have used this one cup coffee maker from time to time for about a year since I purchased one for a colleague. My office subsequently acquired another.

Built to last. Brews directly into your cup. Primarily a pod machine, but accepts freshly ground coffee as well. Also contains a tea making attachment

Brews weak coffee with no ability to effectively adjust the brew strength

Jun 2005

Consumenten review (

Quick and easy cuppa joe that is passable if you don't want a whole pot


I bought this so my SO could make coffee for herself when I'm not around or not awake. Her specific needs are that the machine has to be simple to use and easy to maintain. This machine definitely scores on those points. She also likes flavored...

Very simple setup, easy to use, easy to clean up after use, quick start up

Coffee quality lagging, pods make for post-brew dripping from "spout", takes up more counter space than it should, small water reservoir

Dec 2004

Consumenten review (

Try it, you'll like it.


I saw this on the shelf at a Target, but didn't really get interested in it until I read a review here. One of the points I read about was the so-so flavor of the coffee with the Melita pods, and that some really good coffee was to be had using pods...

Short time from power on until first cup ; Ease of use, to include cleanup ; Flavor of brewed coffee (using PodHead pods)

Small water reservoir

Dec 2004

Consumenten review (

An inexpensive machine that produces a good cup of coffee quickly with minimal mess.


I have made about 50 cups of coffee with this machine. I like it a lot. It makes a good cup of coffee that tastes better than 'drip'. The coffee temperature is not as hot as other coffee makers, but it's plenty hot for me. So far, the machine has...

o Makes much better coffee than any drip or press-pot maker I have owned ; o Very easy to use ; o Fast. No waiting for that first cup in the morning ; o Simple clean-up (toss the pod)

o Not all that attractive ; o Latching mechanism doesn't feel very sturdy ; o Water container is small (about 3 or 4 cups)

Jun 2004

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