Keurig Special Edition Brewing System

Keurig Special Edition Brewing System
alaScore 87

28 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 28 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Keurig Special Edition Brewing System. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 5.0/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar hebben twijfels over de betrouwbaarheid. De afmetingen is ook indrukwekkend.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, afmetingen

prijs, betrouwbaarheid

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Keurig Special Edition Brewing System een alaScore™ van 87/100 = Zeer goed.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 28 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Awesome product. Is as advertised


No complaints whatsoever with our purchase of this Keurig. It works well, fast, easy, and is delicious. Saves me time every morning instead of going to my local coffee shop I can grab the same coffee in a K-cup brewed at home. Friends who come over...

Okt 2013

Consumenten review (

You'll never go to starbucks again!


This is by far the easiest coffee maker I've ever used. You add water, pop in a k-cup, and press a button. Less than 60 secs you're enjoying a fresh cup of coffee.... It couldn't be any easier than that! You won't be disappointed with this purchase and...

Okt 2013

Consumenten review (

Excellent purchase


I had to get one of these after trying one out that my niece had. Brews a mean cup of coffee, tea or hot/cold chocolate! The only downside is installing the filter in the water tank. Hard to do. I would recommend this machine to all.

Okt 2013

Consumenten review (



My husband and I love this Keurig. We had purchased the small model when Keurig first came out and it was good but I love that we don't have to add water for every cup. I am very happy with this purchase.

Okt 2013

Consumenten review (

Love my Keurig


I love my Keurig. I actually already have one and purchased this product as a gift to my parents. Because of their hectic and varying schedules it was hard for them to share a pot of coffee. Now either parent can have fresh, hot coffee in a minute....

Okt 2013

Consumenten review (

Great Product


I am so pleased with the Keurig Brewing system I purchased. I had ben debating on purchasing one until my husband had to start drinking decaf. I enjoy some of the flavored coffees and thought this was the perfect time to purchase one.

Sep 2013

Consumenten review (



I just started Law School and I can tell you that the Keurig has already paid for itself!

Sep 2013

Consumenten review (

Best Purchase This Year


I hesitated because I thought it was a lot to spend for a "coffee pot", but I am so happy I did. I love being able to have a different coffee with every cup. Now I am having trouble trying to decide what my favorite is, because there are so many...

Sep 2013

Consumenten review (

Great Coffee Maker


Love my Keurig! Everything I expected. I can make about 4-5 cups of coffee before adding more water. I can choose from 3 different sizes of coffee. I can even do just plain hot water, if I want it. Can't complain about anything with it.

Sep 2013

Consumenten review (

Keurig K cup


Fast shipping. Excellent delivery time. I like this because I can make one cup of coffee at a time, and don't have to make a whole pot and waste half of it. Excellent product. Very happy with it!!!

Sep 2013

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