Keurig B70 Black Platinum Brewing System - Retail

alaTest heeft 10 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Keurig B70 Black Platinum Brewing System - Retail. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.7/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over de afmetingen. De betrouwbaarheid is ook indrukwekkend.

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We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Keurig B70 Black Platinum Brewing System - Retail een alaScore™ van 82/100 = Zeer goed.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 10 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Keurig B70 The best


My K-Cups look into it if you buy this machine...Not to knock New Egg... (cause you know I love you guys) Costco has the machine and 80 kcups on the cheap...

No waste, Well thought out auto features, Improved designed from pervious versions, quiet, fast, My KCups brings cost per cup down considerably. Wife says "best gift you have EVER bought me

Its alot more expensive than a traditional coffee maker... Constantly fighting with the wife over who's in charge of this awesome machine

Sep 2009

Consumenten review (

B70 Black Platinum Brewing System


Convenient for on the go people and makes a perfect cup of coffee every time. Delicious. I love being able to have a variety of different coffee flavors. Also the new ice coffee setting is the best!! The new B70 Platinum is extremely quiet compared to...


Apr 2009

Consumenten review (

Keurig B70



Makes a cup of coffee the way each person likes it. Fast brewing and very simple to use. By using the reusable screen filter, there is less waste and again, individuals get what they want and how they like it.

I like a BIG cup of coffee, but I am willing to have two smaller cups that are hot and ready the way I like it. GET THE REUSABLE FILTER SCREEN (NOT INCLUDED, THE ONLY CON) AND USE YOUR OWN GRIND AND MAKES YOUR OWN STRENGTH. The Kcups are convenient,...

Feb 2009

Consumenten review (



True you can't walk into any store and get Kcups, but ordering online is no big deal. You can even set up recurring deliveries if you want . The selection is about as good as you could want.

Unlike the first reviewer this machine does not create a lot of waste as a matter of fact its just the opposite.

For some they complain about the vibrating noise from the water pump. Trust me its a minor distraction for the benefit of the machine. I live for Coffee and drink 10-12 cups a day. I've always had Capresso machines and bought whole been coffe from a...

Jan 2009

Consumenten review (

Great for the office!


I wouldn't buy this for use at home. A small automatic drip coffee maker is more practical. I don't know how much water this Keurig machine can hold or even how to fill it. Here at work, we have it hooked up to the building's soft water system, so it's...

This thing is great for keeping in the break room at your office. Everyone can come in and make a fresh cup of coffee with their preferred brew (or even different Teas or hot Chocolate) in about 30 seconds. No one has to deal with luke warm coffee or a...

This thing produces a lot of waste. Each little K-cup is usually used just once and it's about the size of a small cup of salad dressing you get at a to-go salad bar. That can really add up if a lot of people use this every day or you drink a lot of...

Dec 2008

Consumenten review (

Nice but Loud


BPH in the kcups, confirmed by Keurig support (they have no plans to remove it).

Quick, high-quality coffee.

Every morning, this thing wakes up my grandmother - and she's been dead for 20 years. It is that loud.

Nov 2008

Consumenten review (

Awesome coffee!


There is ALSO an adapter (not made by Keurig) that allows the use of Pod coffee--as in the type used in the other popular pod brewers. This allows even more variety. The brewer has 4 different cup sizes. Since the K-cups have a fixed amount of coffee,...

I drink a lot of coffee but I don't like drinking a lot of the SAME coffee. With this brewer, I can change brands and types of coffee from one cup to the next. For my typical use (brewing a cup on the way out the door to work) this brewer works better...

Your average grocery store doesn't carry K-cups but my experience with Keurig has been very good. Ordering $50 or more gets you free shipping and in my state, the coffee arrives the day after they ship it. In addition, as mentioned above, you can use...

Nov 2008

Consumenten review (



I love this machine. All of my coffee tastes stunningly fresh. It takes these individual pods and no oxygen reaches the coffee prior to brewing. It's top notch. I love it.

Fresh cup of coffee each time. No oxidation problem with the coffee

Only one cup at a time, makes serving for parties a bit difficult.

Nov 2008

Consumenten review (

no more starbucks


I didn't buy it here, but have the same model at home. I gave all of my relatives each and everyone loves it.

If you want a cup at of coffee, this is the one you want. It makes the best coffee by the cup. You don't have to make a big pot of coffee anymore. Also, heats the water in couple of minutes too.

Not free. The K-cups are about $0.50 cents a cup beats Starbucks!

Nov 2008

Consumenten review (

Over achiever


I purchased this machine for use in a small office, about five to six people and supplied a range of K-Cups. Nearly everyone has adapted to it and others have begun purchasing theri own K-Cups, cocoa, select coffees, specialty teas, etc. It makes an...

Variety of coffees available

Cannnot make espresso

Nov 2008

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