Keurig B3000SE Commercial Brewing System

alaTest heeft 6 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Keurig B3000SE Commercial Brewing System. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.5/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer.

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Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 90/100.

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Toont 1 - 6 van 6 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

An absolute for a busy office!


Our office had a traditional individual Keurig machine, which we were having to replace around every six months due to the amount of use it received. That is when our coffee supplier suggested the Keurig B3000SE Commercial Brewing System. I initially...

Nov 2014

Consumenten review (

So Quick and Easy


I love the Keurig B3000SE Commercial Brewing System! I became acquainted with this wonderful machine at my new job. I do not drink coffee; my addiction is tea! I love how simple it is to make a cup of tea with this machine. It takes me no time at all!...

Nov 2014

Consumenten review (

Good but malfunctions every now and then


I use this in my office. The machine is shared by about 20 people so it maybe getting a heavy load. It's first of all very convenient if you get a supply for the k-cups (we get free k-cups in the office). Basically I you have to do is put the k-cup in...

Mar 2014

Consumenten review (

Truly created by the heavenly hosts


I have to admit that I drink a lot of coffee. My only saving grace is that I take it black, so I don't have the added problems that come with cream and sugar. This coffee addiction can often take its toll either through cost (don't get me started about...

Dec 2013

Consumenten review (

Easy addiction enhancer


This coffee machine is great, we use it in our office daily. I make a couple cups of coffee a day and it's always reliable and tastes great. Considering we are an office of 40+ this thing gets some serious use so its clearly built to last and withstand...

Dec 2013

Consumenten review (

Easy to use and fast to brew but fairly weak coffee


This Keurig works like most others: drop in a K-cup, choose your size of cup and wait to enjoy. The machine works very quickly with everything good to go in less than a minute. My biggest complaint is about strength: when I have a coffee from a french...

Dec 2013

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