Hamilton Beach BrewStation 47214

alaTest heeft 32 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Hamilton Beach BrewStation 47214. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.2/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over de afmetingen. De prestaties is ook indrukwekkend.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, vormgeving, afwerking, prestaties

prijs, afmetingen

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 65/100 en experts beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 58/100.

Review analyse

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Toont 1 - 10 van 32 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door (goodhousekeeping.com)

Hamilton Beach BrewStation 12-Cup Dispensing Coffee Maker With Removable Reservoir #47950


Brew up to 12 cups of coffee without a carafe in the Hamilton Beach BrewStation 12-Cup Dispensing Coffee Maker with Removable Reservoir. Coffee is brewed into an insulated tank and dispensed into the cup or mug of your choice. A removable reservoir...

Consumenten review (viewpoints.com)

Sad to see it discontinued


I've been using this coffeemaker for more than 7 years, and I don't really have any complaints about it. It's easy to use and makes a great cup of coffee. I like that I don't have a glass carafe to clean because I'd worry about breaking it. It's a bit...

Sep 2014

Consumenten review (viewpoints.com)

Easiest Coffee maker to use!


I love this coffee maker. I used to own a bar and it was given to me as a 'house warming' type gift for the business. That was about 7 years ago! I used it everyday at the bar to make coffee for myself and then used it later in the day as customers...

Mar 2014

Consumenten review (viewpoints.com)

Great coffee maker!


I have had this coffee maker for several years now. I love it! It keeps the coffee hot but you don't have to worry about getting burned by a hot plate which is great if you have adventurous kids. You can make a lot or just a little and it keeps the...

Sep 2013

Consumenten review (viewpoints.com)

Convenient Coffee Server


There are several things that I like about this coffee maker. First of all the dispenser allows you to serve coffee without a typical carafe. The benefit of not having a carafe is that you don't need to worry about braking a glass carafe. The glass...

Jan 2013

Consumenten review (viewpoints.com)

Nice coffee pot!


I really like my brew station. I'm on my second one now. I also have a keurig but that's another story. If I just want to brew a pot of coffee and have ready, then this is a great pot for that. I keep saying pot but there is not pot - which is the best...

Jan 2013

Consumenten review (viewpoints.com)

Summarize this product in one sentence.


Overall the coffee maker works on many levels such as ease of use. Brew Performance Makes enough coffee as determined by how much water is put into it. Ease of Cleaning It is a little difficult to clean because you have to take out the water container...

Jan 2013

Consumenten review (viewpoints.com)

If You Can't Afford the More Expensive Brands, Try This


The Hamilton Beach Brew Station 12-Cup Coffeemaker is a good alternative to more expensive brands such as the Keurig and Tassimo. If you also prefer using coffee grinds or tins of coffee, instead of having to use K-Cups or Disc than this coffee maker...

Jan 2013

Consumenten review (viewpoints.com)

Great coffee maker


Loved this. Use it everyday. Love the fact there is no pot to pick up and pour coffee in a cup. Easy to clean. I have made several great cups of coffee and didn't have to worry about a pot or burning someone. Brew Performance The best. Ease of Cleaning...

Jan 2013

Consumenten review (viewpoints.com)

Don't buy it!


While I absolutely loved my Hamilton Beach at first, it developed a very bad leaking issue eventually. Just randomly, coffee would begin seeping out, and I had a difficult time figuring out where the spillage was coming from. And the strange thing was,...

Jan 2013

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