Farberware FCP280 Stainless Steel Percolator

alaTest heeft 8 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Farberware FCP280 Stainless Steel Percolator. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.5/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar hebben twijfels over de afmetingen. De vormgeving is ook indrukwekkend.

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Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 90/100.

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Consumenten review (epinions.com)

A Beautiful Stainless Steel Percolator that Makes a Mean Cup of Coffee!


Coffee percolator pots were in every American household until the advent of the drip coffee maker, also referred to as a dripolator, which came out in 1972 under the name of Mr. Coffee. Granted in 1972 I was but a mere child and did not ...

Beautiful and sleek.   ; Durable.  ; nbsp ; Brews coffee fast.  ; Machine keeps coffee warm without scalding it


Apr 2009

Consumenten review (epinions.com)

Fast (did I mention FAST?) perked coffee


We've had our Farberware/Salton Fastbrew Perculator (FCP280) for about 6mo now and have been very happy with it. The biggest plus, aside from the flavor, has been the super-fast 7-9min brewing time--almost the same as an autodrip but with much better ...

7-9min brewing time ; well made ; easy cleanup ; GREAT perk flavor

No brewing adjustment or 'ON' light

Mar 2008

Consumenten review (epinions.com)

A slightly redundant review.


I recently reviewed Farberware's 4 cup percolator, but since it was a 1950-60's vintage model, I thought it would be fair and honest to also review the newer made in China percolators. And since I had decided the 4 cup percolator wasn't big enough for ...

Brews great coffee, and cleans up easily

Country of origin-China

Feb 2008

Consumenten review (epinions.com)

Back to the Future with our new Classic Coffee Maker.


Coffee is one thing that my Wife will not do without in the morning. I, on the other hand have found that the more I stay away from caffeine the better so I seldom drink coffee at all. The reduced need to large amounts of coffee and the bad experience ...

Easy operation and clean up. Great for different amounts and tastes

No timer to start brewing. Still get some grounds in coffee

Apr 2007

Consumenten review (epinions.com)

For the single coffee connoisseur


I've used both this version (for myself) and its 12-cup big sister (for groups) for years without problem or mishap. The smaller version -- the FCP280 -- is perfect for the single coffee drinker; it can make for two if neither are power drinkers, but ...

Durable, cool-touch handle, easy to use/clean, long cord, great coffee

No on/off switch -- gotta yank the plug from either end

Nov 2004

Consumenten review (epinions.com)

makes a great cup of coffee


This is my preferred coffee maker. I find that it makes a fantastic cup of coffee. Benefits include: ease of use, a sturdy housing construction, and most importantly --great tasting coffee. I find that it is important to use as cold of water as...

great tasting coffee

durability, pricey

Dec 2001

Consumenten review (epinions.com)

My Perky Little Friend


If you are anything like me, you will know that there is nothing better than a nice hot cup of coffee on a cold winter morning. Well, with the Farberware percolator, I can do just that. First of all, once you start drinking perc coffee, auto drip never...

Great coffee, Comes out nice and hot, cool touch handle and base

You must buy percolator blend coffee

Nov 2001

Consumenten review (epinions.com)

Farberware Everywhere!


I have purchased a Farberware Percolator because I was tired of my "Mr. Coffee" type coffee maker and the horrible tasting coffee it was producing. My mother has a Farberware percolator that she has had for years and it is still working. Several of...

Great....makes perfect coffee everytime

I should have bought the 12 cup

Mar 2001

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