Durgol Swiss Espresso Decalcifier

Durgol Swiss Espresso Decalcifier
alaScore 82

15 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 15 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Durgol Swiss Espresso Decalcifier. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.7/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over de prijs. De gebruiksvriendelijkheid is ook indrukwekkend.



We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Durgol Swiss Espresso Decalcifier een alaScore™ van 82/100 = Zeer goed.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 15 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (cooking.com)

Absolute Best Espresso Machine Descaler


Durgol is hands down the best and most effective descaler available for home espresso machines. I have a Delonghi and I refuse to use anything but Durgol on it. The solution is gentle on all components and leaves it like it was new.

Mar 2012

Consumenten review (cooking.com)

Durgol Swiss Espresso Decalcifier


We have a Capresso coffee maker and very hard water. This decalcifier works great. Our water has killed many coffee makers but we've had this one for over 2 years and it still works great.

Jul 2008

Consumenten review (cooking.com)

Durgol Swiss Espresso Decalcifier


This is the only product that my espresso machine manufacturer recommends and you need to utilize this when it tells you to or it voids the warranty.

Jun 2008

Consumenten review (cooking.com)

Durgol Swiss Espresso Decalcifier


Durgol is the only product recommended by the Delongi company.

Apr 2008

Consumenten review (cooking.com)

Is Durgol Worth It?


I use this ridiculously expensive, no-ingredients-listed product because DeLonghi -- makers of my expresso machine -- recommend it.

Mar 2008

Consumenten review (cooking.com)

Durgol Swiss Espresso Decalcifier


I've never used this before, but it worked very fast and didn't stink my kitchen up like vinegar usually does. I would definately purchase this again.

Feb 2008

Consumenten review (cooking.com)

Keep Extra in the Cupboard


We drink a lot of espresso and latte's so our machine needs a decalcifier regularly. A free bottle of Durgol was included with our Delonghi and I've been happy with the product. There isn't an after taste or odor which is greatly appreciated with...

Jan 2008

Consumenten review (cooking.com)

Mandatory for my machine


I don't know whether this is a good product or not. I'm assuming it is and it's the product recommended by the manufacturer of my coffee machine. It's also a requirement if I don't want to void the warranty on my coffee machine. So, I guess it's a...

Dec 2007

Consumenten review (cooking.com)

Durgol is great


I've tried other decalcifying products over time and none of them can compare with Durgol. All you have to do is see the minerals, and calcium buildup that comes out of your espresso machine when you use Durgol to know this is the best. I've tried the...

Sep 2007

Consumenten review (cooking.com)

Espresso machine upkeep - great product


Though there aren't many (if any) other choices, the Durgol products do keep my Capresso machine in tip-top shape. At a reasonable price point...

Aug 2007

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